Chapter 203 – The Value of a Diamond

The others really were waiting anxiously outside the doors of the sacred ancestral chambers.

"What happened?" Jules asked worriedly as soon as King Jaren emerged with the two little dragons on his shoulders as usual and Mana and Raven in tow behind him.

"The innate magic of the Emerald Kingdom adores our little Azar and Alya as much as we do, it seems," Mana said to her Big Brother with a grin. "They got a cool present."

Azar and Alya immediately showed off the cool magic circle – they even demonstrated how they could eat it and then store it in their pendant and it would be replenished automatically.

"How lovely!" Bella said, rubbing Alya's head.

Queen Dora was a bit taken aback. "The little ones – they eat magic?" she asked.

King Jaren nodded. "You should check the pockets of Mana and Raven and Jules and Bella. They are forever carrying arrays to feed Azar and Alya. Of course, they eat food as well," he added hurriedly.