Chapter 211 – The Little Dragons Get Scared

Thanks to little Alya, everyone had a good laugh, and King Jaren patiently explained to the little white dragon why girls and boys were different and why Grandpapa wouldn't be able to become a good girl like Alya and a good boy like Azar at the same time.

Alya finally understood, but she was very unhappy, clearly wanting 'good girl' company.

"Mama, Auntie Mana – both of you will be a good girl like Alya?" she asked with a pout. "And Grandmama and Grandmother Carolina also? We will all be a good girl like Alya?"

"Of course we will," all four ladies replied immediately, cooing over the little white dragon.

That had a pacifying effect on little Alya and she was satisfied with the outcome.

"So, shall we get going?" Queen Dora asked. "Who all are coming with me finally?"

"Jules, Bella, the two little ones and me," King Jaren told her.