Chapter 226 – The Haunting

Queen Dora laughed manically. "I didn't expect that you all would be able to find out about this so soon," she said. "The people from the Obsidian Kingdom are really knowledgeable about these things, it seems."

General Aquila stepped forward and shielded King Jaren behind himself. "Who are you and what is your purpose in possessing Queen Dora?" he demanded.

Queen Dora laughed. "Jaren knows very well who I am," she said with a laugh. "Don't you, my dear darling?"

King Jaren narrowed his eyes at the woman in front of him. "Sora? It's you, isn't it? You gave up your own body to come and haunt Dora?" he asked.

Queen Dora – or rather, the spirit of the former Queen Sora that was haunting Queen Dora's body at the moment, chuckled.