Chapter 230 – The Beautiful Library

The next morning, King Jaren, General Aquila, Jules, Bella, Raven, Mana, Rook, Azar and Alya made their way to the Sapphire Kingdom after a quiet breakfast.

None of them said anything about Queen Dora/Sora, who was languishing in the dungeon of the magic castle that belonged to Azar and Alya.

"We will get Ma back," Mana promised King Jaren quietly, taking his big hand in her own small one, just when they were about to enter the array that would take them back to the imperial palace of the Sapphire Kingdom. "Try not to worry about it too much, Papa. We will keep Ma safe until we can figure out how to get her back, and then we will get her back."

King Jaren sighed and patted her head lightly. "Yes, my dear. Thank you," he said quietly.