Chapter 233 – The Nature of Necromancy

Mana and Raven looked at Bella curiously.

"What is that?" Raven asked her.

Bella turned to Jules. "Do you want to show them?" she asked.

Jules nodded happily and held out his palm. A flame and a piece of rock appeared on his palm at the same time, and then the two merged together in front of the astonished eyes of Mana and Raven! It looked like molten lava from a volcano!

"I want to try this!" Mana said immediately, and opened her palm. A flame and a piece of rock appeared on her palm as well, but they refused to merge no matter how she tried.

"Big Brother! It's not working!" Mana complained. "How did you do it?" 

Jules chuckled and explained it to her. Mana listened carefully, and tried again, but unfortunately, the flame and the rock refused to merge in her hands. Raven listened carefully, too, but he didn't make any attempts to try it himself; he simply stood by and watched Mana with an indulgent smile on his face.