Chapter 255 – Building A Tracking Device

Jules refused to budge.

Prince Liam tried to cajole him for several minutes – but Jules was much too clever and much too protective of Mana to let the guy through. Ultimately, Prince Liam could only grit his teeth and leave.

Jules returned to Mana, Raven and Bella with a dark face and reinstated the privacy barrier.

"Mana, you are not to meet that horrible guy on your own. If he tries to approach you at any time, just throw an attack spell at him and run," Jules said. He turned to Raven. "You try and stick to Mana as much as possible and try not to leave her alone at any time."

Raven nodded seriously. "I will, Big Brother," he promised in a solemn voice. "I will stay close to Mana at all times and I will protect her with everything I have."