Chapter 262 – The Obsidian Kingdom and King Corvus

"We have four very defined seasons – summer, monsoon, winter and spring, and our weather varies drastically from season to season. Our summer is hot and dry like the weather we saw in the Amber Kingdom, and it lasts three months. Our monsoon is muggy like the weather in the Pearl Kingdom just now – it remains hot, although not as hot as our summers, but the air gets laden with moisture, and it rains all the time. The monsoon also lasts for three months. Our winter is cold and it snows, just like the weather in the Sapphire Kingdom, and this lasts for three months as well. And our spring is pleasant and beautiful, just like the weather in the Emerald Kingdom. It is green and colourful and there are flowers and fruits everywhere, and it is really, really pretty for three months. Those were my favourite months of the year and I used to sit in the library and look out of the window at the beautiful flower trees in the garden outside…" Raven's voice trailed off.