Chapter 272 – Taking Control

The next morning, Head Sage Yue and Regent Prince Yuki took Raven and Mana through all the processes and current situation of the Pearl Kingdom. It was quite dismal, actually, and when they finished reviewing the brief summary of the reports, Mana and Raven stared at each other in dismay.

"Er – we may have restructure the economy of the Pearl Kingdom entirely," Mana murmured.

Raven nodded. "My thoughts exactly," he said quietly, rubbing his temples. "But we can't do it right away, given the situation with the Amber Kingdom. It would destabilise the country. We need to make a list of temporary measures that we can deploy immediately to keep the country stable while strengthening the borders. We will also have to take back the lands which have been encroached upon by the Amber Kingdom."