Chapter 282 – Apology

While Mana and Raven were speaking with the citizens inside the protective barrier, the Town Mayor and the Junior Priest of the Moon Temple were being helped up by their servants. They patted their robes and glared at the crowd.

"In the name of Moon Deity, I demand that this barrier be taken down at once!" the Junior Priest shouted. "And the person who cast this barrier shall be punished by law! For daring to cause intentional harm to the government official, the Town Mayor, and myself, the representative of the Moon Temple, the person who cast this barrier must be publicly whipped with no less than fifty lashes!"

Mana narrowed her eyes, and so did Raven.

Mana turned to an elderly person who had a scholarly air around him. "Say, what is the punishment for disrespect to the monarch and threatening the monarch in public?" she asked in a pleasant voice.