Chapter 286 – It’s Delicious

King Jaren and Raven were equally surprised when Mana turned up at her Papa's cabin with King Corvus in tow. King Jaren had carried off Raven and brought him to his own cabin because he was afraid to leave the boy alone, in case his sea sickness acted up again. He hadn't expected that Mana would be able to figure this out so easily.

Mana laughed at the surprised expression on both their faces.

"Of course I knew that you wouldn't want to leave Raven alone, Papa," Mana said with a smirk. She handed the tray in her hands to King Jaren and took Raven's wrist in her hand, sending a strand of her magic into him to check how he was.

Raven flushed, embarrassed. "I'm all right now," he said quietly. "I'm not feeling sick any more."

Mana raised her eyebrows. "The ship lurched some time ago, didn't it?" she asked. "You didn't feel nauseated at the time?"