Chapter 288 – A Shock for King Corvus

When King Jaren and King Corvus returned, Mana realised that she had probably inherited her cooking skills from this father of hers.

The desserts were delicious.

"You've been hiding your talents, Papa," Mana said crossly, picking up a third pastry – which was quite rare for her since she generally had a small appetite.

King Jaren beamed at her. "If it will make my little Mana eat more, I will be happy to make some desserts for you often," he replied cheerfully.

"These are amazing, Papa," Raven said – biting into what was probably his eighth piece.

The two little dragons were too busy eating to comment on anything. Both Azar and Alya held one savoury treat in one hand (made by King Corvus) and one sweet treat in the other hand (made by King Jaren) and they would take alternate bites from each.

It was a bit funny – but no one complained.

"We should save some for Big Brother Jules and Big Sister Bella and Rook," Mana murmured.