Chapter 335 – The Secret Lake

Raven pouted, and Head Sage Yue laughed out loud.

"There are some metal deposits at the bottom of the secret lake," Head Sage Yue said, ruffling Raven's hair again. "I have seen it only once myself, when I nearly drowned in the lake – I was about your age at the time. The metal is whitish, and it shines with all the colours of the rainbow when sunlight hits it. In fact, it is rather similar to your eyes…"

"Then that's exactly what we're looking for," Raven said excitedly. This was the description given in the book, too. "Is there a lot of it? We will need enough metal to cast it into a palm-sized bowl, at least…"

"There should be enough," Head Sage Yue told him. "If not, we will go scouting in the secret caves halfway down the lake – there should be more deposits there. We could also try mining…"

Raven felt a small wave of magic as he took the next step.