Chapter 368 – A Letter from Afar


"Auntie Mana!"

A black and a white dragon baby flew at Mana at breakneck speed as soon as she opened the door. She had just returned to her room to wash up, and had barely washed her face when the two baby dragons turned up.

Azar and Alya nuzzled their faces against Mana's freshly washed cheeks, their smooth and shiny scales feeling cool to the touch.

Mana cuddled with the two young dragons.

"Mommy, did you miss me?" Azar asked, his big green eyes shining like emeralds.

"Of course," Mana replied without hesitation. "How could I not miss our dear Azar?"

Azar smiled happily. "Azar and Alya looked after Grandpapa properly," he declared proudly.

Mana rubbed the heads of the two dragons. "Thank you, Azar and Alya, you two have done very well!" she praised.