Chapter 377 – Aoi’s Results at IMARI

After the discussions were over, King Jaren suggested they all head to IMARI to see how Aoi's entrance test was progressing.

Bella checked the time. "He should have already finished it by now, actually, Papa," she said mildly.

"Ah, then should we just wait for them to come back?" King Jaren asked.

"Let's wait for a while – if they don't come back in a couple of hours or so, we'll go to IMARI and fetch them," Jules suggested.

"Fox must be giving them a tour of IMARI as well, I think," Raven said.

Jules laughed. "Of course," he said. "IMARI is one of the landmarks of our Emerald Kingdom. Now that they have a chance to see it properly, they should definitely take the opportunity to look around!"

"Besides, if nothing else, Vyom will insist on showing Haruka his birthplace," Mana said with a chuckle. The two tiger cubs had been very excited to go to IMARI – almost like Azar and Alya when they wanted to go to their island.