
The Capture.

Come on Miayana, you have got to fight this. You are stronger than this, you are Insight. The hero that is going to save this city and the world, you can't let that future come to pass. You can't let the League win.

I grit my teeth in pain, as the hot bromtonium liquid serge through my veins. I thrash about on the metallic table, trying to break free of the straps that is tying my hands and feet to it.

"Stop struggling my dear, it will all be over soon." Curtis laugh like a maniac, as he check my vitals on a monitor in front of him.

I have got to break free, I can feel the power starting to rush throughout my body. I can't let it get to my head, I need to escape now.

I master up all the strength I have in me, and send a shock wave throughout Curtis mind. He flinch back and grip his head in pain.

"Oh Insight, you are a telepath. But don't worry, you can't get in my head while I am wearing this." He took up a micro chip bug, and embedded it in his neck. I wince when I see the little bug disappear into his skin, and then crawl up the side of his neck and into his vein. This man is really crazy, he put the whole meaning into the term mad scientist. "See, now your mind reading capabilities won't be able to affect me." A smug grin stretches across his thin dry lips.

I take in Curtis Palmer's appearance, he is a man in his late fifties with brunette hair but a lot of greys are protruding from various parts. He has cold oval shape grey eyes, his nose is crooked and he is about 5'9. His really pale skin shows that he doesn't get a lot of sun, probably from the fact that he is down here experimenting on people against their will. He is wrinkled in some places, especially corners and under his eyes because his eyes crinkle when he laugh and he has frown lines on his forehead. He is dress in a light grey pants and a light grey plaid button down shirt, a lab coat over his attire.

I can't believe I am here describing this mad man when he is one step into brainwashing me.

I struggle against the restraints, and the monitor start to beep rapidly. A look of panic on Palmer's face.

"Cromwell, get me some anesthetics from the cupboard and grab some more bromtonium as well. She is fighting the change, I wanted her to see me finally getting what my father should have gotten. But if he she won't co-operate, I will put her to sleep again." Palmer grab the vials from the female doctor, and suck the anesthesia in a syringe then inject it in my neck. "Quick, inject the bromtonium in her IV." He instructed the woman. She scardly scamper over to the IV next to me and inject the yellow liquid with shakey hands- wait a minute, bromtonium is purple not yellow. Why is it yellow? Panic started to settle in me, and I harshly move around on the cold table. I can't give up now.

"Don't worry, it will all be over soon." Palmer laughing face is the last thing I see as I hear a loud beep and my vision faded.

Meanwhile back at the base, Onna and Soul Searcher had came back to gear up so they can go rescue Insight.

"Hold up guys, I am coming with you." Daison said, as he grab his super suit that Dai design for him and a duffel bag. "It is my fault you guys got mix up in this."

"No dad, we got this. And plus, you need to stay here to comfort Miayana's mom." Dai nodded over to where his mother is comforting a weeping Margaret.

"I am the adult here, and you most obey my wishes. And that is coming to help rescue my da-"

"And I have been doing this long before you, Mia is captured by the League. You don't know if they haven't started there experiments on her, what if they found the base. Who is going to be here to stop them from hurting the mom, Mia's mom and Hase? Hase can't do it on his own." Dai took a deep breath and calm down a bit. "Dad I know that you want to help, but you need to stay here and keep them safe. You need to stay here so you can guide me and Robyn so that we can get to my sister and bring her back safely. Dad, you need to stay here so that I don't lose you." Dai sniff, brushing away his tears. "They want you just as much as how they want me and Miayana, probably even more because you were the source of their creation. Please promise me that you will stay here." Daison look at his son's pleading face, tears glistening in his eyes. He couldn't deny him that promise, and further more, he was right. The League wants him more, and it would be more dangerous for the League to capture all three of them. And he needs to stay to protect the two mothers and Hase.

"Ok, I promise that I will stay. But if anything happens, please please call me for back up."

"I will." Dai smile at him.

"Be careful," He pull Dai into a hug. "The both of you." He let Dai go and hug Robyn.

"We will." They both said. Then they are off, Daison look after them, praying to God to keep them safe.

"Don't worry Enforce, you had trained them well." Hase said to him, he is sitting behind his monitor monitoring Insight's heartbeat through the tracker on her suit.

"How is she doing?" Daison ask his best friend as he walk over to him, looking at the monitor himself.

"She is out cold again, but a couple minutes ago. Her heart beat had picked up like she was panicking." Both men hear a high pitch scream and look over in the direction it came from, they saw Apinya with a distort Margaret bawling her eyes out on her shoulders. Apinya look over at them, sympathy worry and fear along with her own tears shine in her eyes.

Daison look away, can't bare to see the two women like that. His heart breaking every minute as the thought of him sending his other child and someone else's child in the clutches of the League, and also the fact that it is his fault that his daughter got captured. If anything happens to Miayana, he can never ever face Margaret again.

"Hey, stop blaming yourself. How would you have know that the experiments they did on you would affect your offsprings as well. Don't blame yourself, blame the League for causing agony to your family." Hase said to him, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Daison force a smile at his bestfriend, but nothing in this world isn't going to make him happy until he see that all the three heroes are home safe.

Robyn and Dai walk in the medical center, ditching their hero suits for their civilian clothes. They had came up with the idea of going through the front door as patients coming to make an appointment, then they will sneak down to the ground level and find Inisght.

"Hello, welcome to Palmer's dermatology medical center. How my I assist you today?" The receptionist ask from behind the desk, her smile almost look robatic.

"Is she an android?" Robyn whisper under her breath to Dai.

"I can't get an aura read, so yes." Dai reply, after scanning the woman that is sitting in front of them. Her sandy brown hair pull back in a slick ponytail, and she sat really straight in her chair not blinking.

"We are here for an appointed that we made." Robyn said, a fake sweet smile gracing her lips.

"And what is your name please?" The receptionist ask, typing on her keyboard.

"It is um- should I use my really name?" She whisper over to Dai. He shake his head discreetly. "It is Monica Revera." The receptionist continue to type, putting in Robyn's fake name.

"I am sorry, there is no record for an appointment for a Monica Revera." She turn to look back at them.

Robyn started to fidget, not knowing what to do now.

"Create a diversion, while I sneak in back there." Dai whisper lowly to her, and nodded to the entrance behind the receptionist's desk. Robyn nods and get into her position.

"Oh my gosh, are you sure?" The receptionist nodded, and turn the computer around to show her. "How could my boyfriend do that to me, I specifically ask him to book the appointment for me and he said he would. I mean come on, I have to keep my skin healthy. He should underst-" But she didn't finish her sentence, as she drop to the floor but not without shooting a wink to Dai.

"Oh God, are you alright?" The receptionist ask as she came around her desk to look at Robyn, along with the guards and some other patients. Giving Dai the perfect opportunity to sneak away.

Dai turn to see if anyone is watching him, then he use his back to push the door open and slip through.

"I am in." He said in his com.

"That is good, what do you see?" Hase gruff voice came over the com.

"Close doors, and an elevator. But it said out of use, and I am detecting alot of auras radiating off of it. Like it had just been used." Dai reply back, walk up to the elevator.

"It must be what they use to get to the underground lab, see where the elevator goes." He said voice came over the com.

"Already on it." Dai said with a chuckle, as he step inside the elevator.

"Good, and Dai please be-"

"Dad what did you say?" Dai ask, as his dad's voice come in and out.

"I said please be-"

"Dad? Dad!" Dai called, but all he hear is static over the com. "I guess the lower I go, the more I lose signal. I only hope that Robs get here in time."

Back at the base, everyone is in panic mode as Hase trys to get Dai back online.

"Dai, can you hear me. Soul Searcher, do you copy?" But there was no reply from him.

"Hey guys, I am here. I manage to sneak away after asking if I could use the bathroom. Where is Dai, I can't get through to him?"

"We can't either, where are you now?" Daison ask.

"I am in an air vent in a hallway, I see an elevator, ahh."

"Robyn are you ok, what is happening?!" Both men shouted.

"I trip and fell out of the vent, and two guards spotted me. They are chasing me so I am going to run to the elevator to see if I can lose them." They hear a ding, and Robyn sighing in relief. "Woah."

"What is it?" Hase ask.

"There is a buttom that is label sub level floor twenty-four in this elevator, and it is a two story building. Shouldn't I be going up and not do-" But Hase starts to lose signal just like what had happened to Dai.

"Robyn, do you copy?" But no answer. "I guess where ever they are going, there is no signal there." Hase said, spinning his chair around to look at Daison.

'That is not good.' Daison thought, as he stand there nervously biting his fingernails.

"Back to base, can you read me?" Robyn tap the earpiece in her ear but didn't get a reply. "I guess I am on my own for now." She sigh, watching the elevator moves in between floor levels. She took out her katana when the elevator stop and dings, as the doors slide open.

She cautiously step out of the elevator and into a barely lit hallway, with her katanain hand she silently walk down the hallway keeping her eyes wide open to stop any incoming danger.

Even though she is walking silently, it is like she can hear her footsteps echoing against the empty walls. Her breath hitch in her throat when she hear someone coming towards her. She raise her katana when she saw the intruder's shadow get closer on the wall in front of her.

She swings her katana in the air as she came around the corner.

"Woah, Robyn its me." Dai whisper, his fist raise ready to strike as well.

Robyn sigh a breath of relief as she lower her katana. "Dai, you almost gave me a heart attack." She sack him on the shoulder.

"So, but how did you get away?"

"I ask to use the bathroom and snuck through an air vent, but I fell and some guards were chas-" They hear the elevator ding, cutting off Robyn.

"My guess is, that's them." Dai said, tapping his watch and changing into his suit. Robyn following what he did as well. "Come on, this way." Soul Searcher pull Onna behind him as he sprint down the hallway. There is no need for silence now, as the League knows that they are down there.

They skid to a stop in front of a big metal door, their hearts pounding as they became cornered between the door and the armed guards in front of them.

"What do we do now?" Onna ask Soul Searcher, her katana raise tightly in her hands.

"We fight." Soul Searcher said, he let out a battle cry, as he charge at the guards in front of him. "Most of them are androids, so watch out." He warn Onna as he smash two androids guards togather with his telekinesis.

"Noted." Onna did a side kick, knocking two androids in a wall. Then do a backflip, jamming another android in the back with her katana. It went right through, and she use it to cut the wires inside of it.

She suddenly feel something hard hit her back and then pain shoot throughout her body, she turn around and see a guard with a metal staff in his hand.

"You did not just hit me with that." Onna do a sweep kick, and the guard fell on his back. She raise her katana high above her head ready to impale the guard when Soul Searcher shouted out stopping her.

"Onna, no! He is human!" She lower the katana and look down at the man, and sure enough he has fear in his eyes.

"Stay down." She said to him and move away. "Soul Searcher can you do an aura search and tell me who the androids are, because I really don't want to seriously hurt any humans here."

Soul Searcher did an aura sweep and spotted the two humans amongst the ten androids that is standing around them. "There is only two humans, one is standing to your right and the other is to my left. The rest is just androids." Soul Searcher tells her.

She nodded at him before charging back into battle. But it is like the more the defeat the guards, they more the get back up.

"We are losing." Onna said through grit teeth, as an android pin her down on the cold ground. Her katana in between them, trying to get a jab at its chest.

"Not entirely, get back and move the uncoucious human guards. Onna did as she is told, and when the coast is clear, Soul Searcher close his eyes and started floating in the air with is feet togather and his arms stretch wide.

A yellow aura forms around him, and he open his eyes as they flash yellow and the androids started to tremble. The same yellow aura create a power serge around the androids as Soul Searcher closed his fist tight and then androids started to crush inward, electricity spark from the until they completely shut down.

Soul Searcher floats down from the air and landed shakily onto his feet, holding his head in the process.

"Woah Soul Searcher are you ok, how did you learn to do that?" Onna came over to him, a look of amaze on her face.

"I don't know, but all I know is that we need to find Insight soon. I had a premonition while I was doing that to the androids," He pointed to where the now deactivated androids is shut down. "She is so powerful, even more than dad now that she has been injected with bromtonium. But she held alot of power before the League had captured her. We need to get to her before she swit-" The door behind them slide open, and they quickly spin around. They gasp when they saw Insight in front of them, her eyes look deadly and a ball of purple energy in both hands. "Switch sides." Soul Searcher finish his sentence with a loud gulp.

A couple minutes earlier, the alarm blear inside the lab and Palmer slam the phone he had at his ear down on the table.

"It looks like we have to cut this experiment short Cromwell." The female doctor nodded and hurriedly unbuckled the restraints bounding Insight to the table. Palmer pull the IV out of Insight's neck and and pull some needles with some wires attach to another monitor from her forehead, and her eyes snap open. "Rise and shine my ultimate weapon, your friends are here to see you. Bring them to me." He command her, Insight nods and got up off of the table and run in the direction of her team. Palmer chuckle as he anticipate the next phase of his plan.

"Everything is falling into place now father, you work will not go to waste. I am finally getting back what had belong to you." He said, looking at the silver watch on his list wrist.

Back to the present.

"Insight?" Onna cautiously ask, stepping forward to go and touch her but Soul Searcher pull her back.

"No, not anymore. Or at least the one we are used to." He said to her.

Insight just stand there looking at them, the power balls glowing in her hands.

"Who makes the first move?" Onna ask.

"Let her." Soul Searcher reply.

Onna hands twitch at her side, and she figdets. Insight watch her very closely, before she shoots a powerball at her and Onna barely jump out of the way. "I told you not to do anything!" Soul Searcher yell at her, dodge a power ball that aim at him.

"I didn't do anything!" She yell back at him.

"Yes you were, you where thinking of attacking her."

"So what, I shouldn't think?"
