
We almost reach the end.

"Dad!" I shouted as I step inside the control room, a weighty Robyn and Dai hanging off my shoulders. They have been passing in and out on me along the way, and me feeling really bad. Have to carry them back to our base. It is my fault that they are in this situation right now, and I should own up to what I did wrong.

"Miayana?" Dad questioned, a wary look on his face.

Why is he looking at me like that? He is on high alert, and his facial expression looks distrusting. The place is quiet for a few seconds, with everyone staring at me. I take a step forward, and it's like a bomb went of in the room as everyone started to panic and dad shoot an icicle at me. I cringe getting ready for the stabbing impact, because I have Robyn and Dai in both hands and I could drop them in time to dodge it. But I never felt anything, when I look up, I am surrounded by a purple force field shield just like the one I made when I went to the future.

"Dad, what are you doing?!" Said said in alarm, but he didn't even bat an eyelash at me. He just continue to try to hit me with every ice power he has in him. "Dad, please stop. Why are you doing this? Dai and Robyn needs help, they are hurt really bad."

"Because you did that to them!" He yelled at me, making me cringe. "Did the League send you to kill the others here and then take me to them, are Robyn and Dai your prize to show me that the League has won? Well I am not going down without a fight." He stand in a defensive stance.

He believe that I am here to take them out. How did he even know that the League was controlling me? The coms weren't even working down inside the lab. So how did he ev- duh, I am a carbon copy of him, of course he has time travelling powers like me. I need to convince him that it's me, and I am not a threat to the team. And I have the perfect plan to do that.

'Hase, tell dad it's me. Dai and Robyn are hurt really bad, and I don't want to let them get even more hurt from me avoiding dad's ice attacks. This force field won't hold up much longer.' I link into Hase mind, looking at the force field cracking as more and more ice is furiously shot into it. 'Hase please.' I pled to Hase.

Dad has up his game, and started to throw fireballs at the shield. I gentle lay Robyn down, trying not to lose focus and let the force field disappear. It was hard enough to do when I was mind linking Hase.

"Miayana, w-what is going on?" She weakly ask, her eyes looking around her surrounding.

"Dad knows that I was being controlled by the League, and now he think that they sent me here to destroy the team and take him to them."

Robyn tries to get up, and when I am about to put my hand on her chest telling her to lay down. The shield broke, I think dad saw my action as and attack towards Robyn. And he conjure the biggest fireball I have ever seen and just as he is about to release it at me,

"No!" Both Hase and Dai shouted.

"Dad, it's Mia. Don't hurt her." He weakly ease up and said to dad. Dad dissipate the fireball and run over to us.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry." He stoop down in front of us.

"You don't have to apologize dad, but we do need to get Robyn and Dai to the medical wing." I quickly said to him.

Hase hurried over to us and left Robyn up bridal style and hurried with her to the elevator that leads to the second floor of the warehouse where the medical wing is located.

"Dai, let me help you up." Dad said, holding a hand out to Dai. But he refused.

"Nah dad, I am good." He wince as he slowly and painfully got up onto his two feet.

"Dai." I said, guilt filling my gut as I watch him limp to the elevator. I did that to him, I did that to the both of them.

"Dai!" I hear a muscline voice call out to him as the person came through the door from the weapons room. The person run up to him and pull him into a hug.

Dai groan in pain when the guy made contact with him. "Brice, what are you doing here?" Dai ask, he is just as shock as me.

Why is he hear? Is the million dollar question here. And obviously he knows about the whole hero thing.

"I receive a call from my dad in full panic mode, telling me if anything happens that i should always take care of my mom and that he loves the both of us. So it was right of me to track his phone and find out why he is acting like he only has a few hours or minute left to live. I track his phone and end up here, I was pretty shock at the information I found out- heck I am still in questioning mode. Who would have thought that your sister is Insight, and that you are her faithful sidekick." Brice said loosing his grip on him a bit when Dai kept on whimpering in pain, and at each whimper my heart broke into bits and pieces.

"You gwoon, I am one of her partners not her sidekick. Dai laugh, with not much strength in it.

"You hit the jackpack when you found her, your sister is a really hero." He smile over at me.

I return a fake smile, but it flatters when he turned back to look at Dai. I am no hero, well not anymore. What kind of hero almost killed her own team, what kind of hero let some maniac control her mind. A person who is not cut out to be a hero.

"But I got really lucky when I met that annoying kid all those years ago." Brice smile down at Dai with pour love and admiration.

He is confessing his love to him, and I almost to that away from my little brother. Just because I wasn't strong enough to fight off Palmer and the League stupid experiments. Tears burn my eyes, as I see Dai smile up at him before he went limp into Brice's arms.


"Take him up to the medical wing so your dad and Margret can look after him." Dad tell Brice, he nodded and gently lift Dai over his shoulder and went to the elevator. "Miayana," He look at me sternly. "A word please." I gulp as he left no room for negotiation.

"What happen out there?why did I get a call from the League gloating that they have you under their control and that I will be under their microscope sooner than I can say the word no." I sat down in one of the computer chair in front of him, his eyes that is so identical to mine, stare into mine. And my hands feels clammy and my mouth got dry, as I feel like I have committed a crime and I am in an interrogation room.

"I was on the roof searching the perimeter when I was suddenly shot with a tranquilizer dart, and the next time when I woke up. I am in the future, or at least I thought that I was in the future."

"Wait, what?" Dad hold up his hand and stop me from talking. "You went to the future, how do you know that it is not just a mind trick the League was playing at you?"

"I know it wasn't the League because what I saw, I am pretty sure the League wouldn't want me to see what would happen if they won."

I see dad adam's apple bobbing as he swallow nervously.

"It was horrible dad, the entire city was destroyed. And there was no one left, the League had won and it was all my fault. Dai and Robyn got evil because of what I almost did to thin an hour ago." I hang my head low, I don't want to see the disappointment in dad's eyes.

"Hey, hey. It is not your fault, you didn't have any control over what they did to you." Dad place a hand on my shoulder.

"But that just it dad, I saw everything when I went to the future. The horror and despair, and I was suppose to stop it but instead i almost brought upon the end-"

"MIAYANA STOP!" Dad yell pinching the tip of his nose out if annoyance. "The greatest thing is that you stop what you were doing, you break through the wrong the League was making you do. And that's a good thing, because you have given the city, us and the world a little more time to come up with a suitable plan to beat the League and save the world." He take his hand from my shoulder and take up my right hand and place it in his. "We have got this sweetheart, and forget what you have done. Just be thankful that Dai and Robyn are going to be ok."

I wipe away the tears, and then smile up at him. "You are just as smart as you are in the future, or next year for that matter." I smile at him.

"That is still a shocker, I never knew that you could time travel. I don't even have that kind of power, but there are somethings that I see you do that I can't do. And that is why I am always saying that you are extraordinary out of all the extraordinary people out there in the world."

"Thanks dad, I just hope we can stop the League. I just feel so bad about almost fulfilling their wishes." I started back with the guilt trip again. "In the future, Dai and Robyn become evil because I capture them and brought them to the League to be experimentmented. Robyn got powers, and I killed mom, Hase, Apinya and-Nathan. Dad, I have to tell him. I, if we are going to come up with a good plan to stop the League, we have to get the authorities involve." I look at dad, the horror what I saw and what I did flashing through my mind like a slide show. "We need to take them down, dad, we were the only survivor apart from the League and the corrupt version of Dai and Robyn."

Dad nods his head in understanding, and squeeze my hand reassuringly.

"We are going to beat them, because you know why?" He ask.

"We are unstoppable." I said.

"That too, and also because we are a team. You are one family." He pull me into a hug.

"We are, aren't we."I smile, just at that moment my phone started to ring from somewhere in the room. I started to look around for it, when I see dad hold out his hand and the phone suddenly fly into it. "Woah, how did you do that?" I ask intrigue.

"Magnetic powers." He simply said.

I smile lightly at him before answering my phone without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey Miayana." Nathan voice filled the speaker. Just hearing his voice brighten my day a whole lot.

"Nathan." I said cheerfully.

"Someone sound happy to see me." He said with a chuckle. "How are you doing? Right throughout the day, I don't know why but I just can't stop thinking about you. 'To tell you the truth, from I met you. I couldn't stop thinking about you.' He thought, and a big grin appear on my face.

"I am good, I could be great. But that is just how life is." I reply, the event of earlier resurfacing and my mood changing.

"Aw, sounds like someone had a bad day." He cooed. "Can I help to left your mood a bit?" I blush from what he said, I don't know why but I am blushing. He hadn't even said anything blush worthy, I am so inexperience.

I look over at dad, and sure enough an awkward uncomfortable look is on his face.

"I would love to take you up on your offer, but I have to go. I am discussing something with my dad right now, I will call you back later."

"Alrighty then, I am looking forward to hear from you later ok."

"I will call you, I promise."

"Ok, now hang up." He said.

"No, you hang up." I said, twirling a lock of my hair.

"No, you hang up." Oh my God, are we one of those couple who don't want to hang up on our partner.

"Ok, we will hang up on three." I said and he agree. "1 2 3." He both hang up at the same time.

"Wow, you guys are something else." Dad said to me, as I put my phone down beside me.

I smile sheepishly at him, rubbing my neck. Then I became serious again.



"I am going to tell him, with or without your permission. Mom is right, she said a successful relationship is built on trust and honesty. And from that phone call, and after those heartbreaking nasty things the mind control side of me thought about ourself. I need to prove her wrong, I need to show her that I am not a loser anymore. I have a boyfriend who likes me alot, I have friends- no, I have a family who will stop at nothing to ensure that I am happy." I wipe a stray tear away. "I need to let Nathan know that I am one hundred committed to this relationship just like him. I went to let him know that I feels the same way towards him. So I am going to be honest and tell him that I am Insight."

I stop talking and look at dad, and he is smile from ear to ear.

"There goes my little motivationalspeaker that I was wondering where has she gone. I won't stop you, and you don't need my permission to tell Nathan. I am not the leader of this team, you are. And I am glad that I am apart of it General Miayana Hesketh." He said playful with a salute.

I chuckle as I got up off of the chair I am sitting on and straighten my body, then turn to face my dad as he said straight as well. The salute still there.

"And I am glad to have you corporal daddy Hesketh." I did a salute also.

We started laughing from our antics, sitting back down again.

"So Dai and Brice huh." I said after our laugjomg fit has calm down.

"Yea, he thought I didn't know. But the truth is, Hase and I made a bet about Brice having feelings for Dai from they were in the seventh grade, and started to know what love is."

"So, you know that-"

"None of them have never shown any interest in liking other boys, but the way they hated each other for no apparent reason. Prove how much they do like one another. Dai maybe didn't have feelings for Brice to that extent, but Brice is head over heels mad in love with my son." Dad smile like he is remembering a memory. "You should have seen him when he found out about all this, and about Dai being Soul Searcher. He was both elated and worried at the same time. He was like, Dai is so hot headed, he might start an unnecessary war and get himself hurt. Then again, Dai is a tough dude, he can handle himself. Hase and I just smile at him as he pace the room back and fourth muttering to himself." Dad let out a laugh. "Hey, your aura isn't murky anymore. I knew you were confused, I am glad that I have cleared up that up."

"Clear what up?" I ask, lost from what he is referring to.

"The whole Brice and Dai thing. You wanted to know if they had shown any interest in other boys before, and I see you had a little trouble. So I stepped in and help." Dad explain.

My mouth forms an o. "So, you knew about the kiss?" I ask, remembering the day at the cookout at Dai's school when Brice has kissed him.

"Yep, when I borrowed his engineering skills to build that robot arm for Onna. I had to dig into his memory, and it was the only thing that he was thinking about. Also he was freaking out because you knew, how could you not have told me or even told Apinya?"

Crap, I am busted. "I wanted Dai to tell you himself, and he didn't ask me too, so I didn't want to betray his trust. Even though I might have done that tonight." I mutter the last part.

"Listen up kiddo, Dai loves you no matter what. He will forgive you for any little mistake you did, you are his big sister and he looks up to you. When he found you, it was one of the happiest days of his life. You have given him an ally, a partner in crime, and you he found a best friend in you also. And you also given him another big sister, he is very found of Robyn too."

I smile at what dad said, but even from all of his comforting words. I just can't get rid of the guilt, every time I try to be happy it just came sparrelling back up.

"I glad that I am all those things to him, but I almost took that moment away from him. If I hadn't- if my subconscious hadn't broken me out of that mind control, he wouldn't have gotten the chance to hear Brice confess to him."

"And that is why we need to stop the League once and for all, we need to let them pay for everything that they have done. That include, hurting Dai and Robyn-"

"But I am the one that hurt them." I interrupted dad.

He shake his head. "No, they were the ones who did. You didn't know what you were doing, but they knew. And the sooner you get over that guilt trip, the better chance you have at defeating the League. You can't be a hero when every punch you take, you are remind of what you have done. You are going to get held back, and you are going to lose. You need to channel all that guilt you have into anger, and you are going to use that against the League if you are going to win." Dad patted my knee.

He is right, I have got to stop feeling guilty. It was the League's fault, all of it was. And I need to get my head in the game if I am going to bring them down once and for all.

"You are right dad, I need to start getting my head into the game."

"Good, now come on. Let us go see how the others are doing." He got up and held out his hand to me. "Your mom will be so relieved to see You." I look at out stretch hand but turn down his offer.

"You can go without me, I am going to stay here and cry a bit." Dad face crease in worry. "I just need to cry and let out all the negative feeling, and then I will be ok." I reassure him. "Can you please not let anyone come down here, please?"

"Sure honey." He kisses me on the head then went to the elevator, he got in and wave to me before the door closed.

As the door the elevator door shut and the place engulf in quietness, the first tear fell and after that, the water works started to flow. My whimpers became sobs and my sob turn into cries. I cry and cry, the guilt and every other vulnerable emotions push through the center of my mind. I can't believe I almost handed Dai and Robyn on a platter to Palmer and the League, how could I have been so weak. I thought that becoming Insight, I would finally be a somebody. Unstoppable and can hold my own. But I get that I was wrong, I am just what everyone else thinks of me. A nuisance.

I kneed my fist into my leg as my heart wrench as all of my bad memories flash through my mind, I can't let that stop me. I can't let the past stop me, I got to be the best me. Both as Insight and as Miayana, and the League is going to pay for what they have done.

I shakily pull take up my phone from where I had put it down earlier and tap the call icon under Nathan's name, the phone rings two time before he answer it.

"Hey beautiful." His cheerful voice came over the phone. When did I get so lucky to find a guy as great as him.

"Can you meet me in two hours, I got something to tell you." I mutter, my voice shaky because I am still crying.

"Miayana, are you ok?" He ask, the cheerfulness leaving his voice.

"Yep, I am good. Just meet me in two hours and I will tell you everything, and please don't worry."

"Ok." 'She is telling me not to worry, when she calls me crying. I am going to worry.' He thought.

"Nathan, I am fine." I tried to ease his mind, but it didn't work. His mouth is saying ok, but his mind is thinking something different.

'I trust you Miayana, but she didn't tell me where we should meet.' "Where are we-"

"On the rooftop of the police station." I cut him of mind sentence.

"Ok, that is fine. I will be there." Why does she want to meet on to of the station rooftop? I am so confused.' He thinks.

I didn't linger any longer and hang up the phone, I couldn't stand to hear all of Nathan's worrying thoughts. Especially when I have been lying to him all this time. What is he going to think when I finally tell him that I am Insight and that I can read his mind? What is he going to say When I ask him to help us bring down the League? Is he going to say that I was using him just because I wanted the use of his officers and resources, is he going to be upset that I have read his mind on multiples of time and say that I only like him because I have heard him say it over and over again in his mind? Is he going to say that I was only toying with his feelings and I didn't I didn't have any for him in return? I would be devastated if he rejects me, I really really like him. And I really want this thing between to work.

I continue to sit where I am, still lost in my thoughts. The crying had downgraded to sobs, and now the sobs are only sniffs and sniffle. I am so lost in my mind that I don't notice Apinya stepping out of the elevator and then walking over and sit down beside me.

"Hello Sweetheart, what are you doing down here by yourself?" I quickly wipe away the ramaining tears off of my face and smile at her.

"Um...i just need sometime to myself to think about stuff."

Apinya nodded her head, her lips purse. "That is good, Robyn and Dai are all bandage up and resting in the medical wing."

"That's so good to hear, I am glad they are ok." My smile stretch wide, what a relief. I would have been so devastated if anything serious had happen to them.

"You know, I would have never forgiven you if you have let anything worse happen or let Dai die." The smile fade from my face, and I turn away from her. "I would have come to terms with it and forgiven you in the future, but I wouldn't even have the least conscience to even look at you."

My heart sink at her words, but I could be mad at her. Dai is her only son, the only child she can have. I remember what dad had told me about her not being able to reproduce again.

"Your forgiveness wouldn't have mattered in the future any way if I had carried out the League bidding any further. The city would have been destroyed, Dai and Robyn would have become evil and you all would have been dead because the League had sent me to capture dad and kill the rest of you."

Apinya look at me, her expression on readable. The atmosphere morph into silence, until I feel her pull me into a hug.

"Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry for whatever you went through. I didn't mean to-"

"It is fine Apinya, Dai is your one and only son. As his big sister, I should have protect him more. I shouldn't have been so weak, but I promise all of you that I will make things right again. I will earn back all your trust."

She squeeze my shoulders lovingly. "Honey, you never had lost our trust. We all were just worried, if I should blame anyone it would have to be Daison. He had kept a huge secret about himself from me for so long, you and Dai had just have this unexpected burden just thrown into your laps. If your father had been honest from the start, maybe things would have been different. You should have seen how terrified I was when those men grab onto me and was pulling me towards that van. The only thing i could think about was Dai and my husband, only to find out that he was the cause of it. At first I didn't believe, but when I saw him fly into that parking lot and started to fight those men off, I just stood there dumbford. After the danger had passed, and he brought me here. He started to tell me everything, I was mad, confused, everything in one. But I am suddenly getting over it, so Miayana don't blame yourself. The blame isn't all on you, it is on all of us."

"How so?"

"We are the parents, we should have known that something was up with you guys. But we look passed it." She turn me to face her. "You are a wonderful young woman Miayana, and I am so proud to call you my step daughter, to call you my daughter even. I have always wanted a daughter but I got Dai instead." We both laugh. "You and Robyn gave me that chance, no stop sulking and let's go see how Dai and Robyn are doing." I smile as she pull me up and we walk up to the elevator.

The door ding, and we step out of the elevator and into the medical wing.

"Miayana Honey, thank God you are alright. I don't know what I would have down if I had lost you." Mom pull me into a bone crushing hug.

"Mom, you are crushing me." I feign breathlessness.

"I am so happy that you are ok baby." She still continue to hug me.

When I didn't answer, she pull away from me. "I heard about what happen, I know you Mia. And I know that you are blaming yourself, I want you to stop. It's not your fault, it's those people's fault. And don't worry, Robyn and Dai know that you wouldn't intencanally hurt them."

"How are they doing?" I ask mom, looking over her shoulder to see if I can get a glimpse at them but Hase and Brice was blocking my view.

"Why don't you go and have a look for yourself." She step to the side, and I walk up to the double glass door and look inside the room.

Hase turn and saw me, he smile and motion for me to come in. I took a deep breath and push the doors open, and step in. Inside the room smile of medicine but it also have a nice vanilla scent to it.

"Hey kiddo, how you holding up? Do you have any injuries for me to look at?" Hase ask.

Come to think it, I don't have any. And I should have, even when Dai blast me with that ginarmous fireball. I felt my skin melt from my body, but there was this weird tingling sensation afterwards.

"Um, no. And I don't know why. I should have a lot because Dai and Robyn really gave it to me." Hase look at me, a look or realisation in his eyes.

"You have your f-'

"You have dad's regenerating ability. " Dai said cutting of Hase. I look over at him, and he had one of his cocky smile on his face.

"You are awake." I said walking over to his bed, Brice moving out of the way so that I can sit down on the chair next to the bed.

"Yep, and you are you again. Btw, I am pissed that you inherit the best ability ever."

"So reading people's souls, telekanisis and your other abilities aren't great?" I ask with a laugh.

"They are the bomb, but having that ability would totally help with all the pain and aches. Even when I do wrestling in gym class and big Marty body slam me to the ground." He said, and then started to say something to Brice. Probably about said big Marty.

I feel so bad now, I am the one who put him in pain. I should have been the one to get this ability, it should have been Dai.

I place my hand on his arm, but take gasp as something weird happen. Dai's arm started to glow, and all the visible cuts and buries on his body started to heal.

"Mia, what is happening? Dad!" He call, freaking out. To tell you the truth, I am also freaking out.

"What's wrong." Dad quickly came over, alarm in his voice.

"Look, Mia touched me. And all my injuries are healed, what is going on cause I am freaking out. And Brice, control your lewed thoughts ple-oh, why can i hear his thoughts. What is happening?"

Dad look at Hase and back to me and Dai. "You got the power replica ability, so when Mia touched you. I guess she was thinking about healing you or feeling guilt about you being hurt, so she channel some of her regenerating powers and heal you. Which resulting in unlocking your replica ability and you got a whip of her mind reading powers."

"Woah, intense. Jinks." Both me and Dai say at the same time.

"That is just remarkable." Hase said. "You can't do that with your regenerating powers Daison." He look at dad.

"No I can't, Miayana is something different."

What dad said ring through my head, then I remembered something. "They inject more bromtonium into me at the lab. Maybe that is why."

"No, I saw the power within you before the League got a hold of you." Dad said, snapping his fingers like he just figured something out. "If you healed Dai, you can do it to Robyn too." He pull me out of the chair and drag me over to Robs bed, when I look down at her I had to look away.

She is still uncoucious and her body is pale, through all the pale. I can see the black and blue discolouring forming on her body. Her two arms are bandaged, along with her right leg and her neck is in a brace. She had bandages around her head and her eyes are swollen. I can believe I did that to her.

"Mia, now this is your chance to make it right." Dad whispers from behind me.

He is right, so without any regret. I close my eyes and channel all my thoughts on healing Robyn to the front center of my mind, I place my hands on her arm and open my eyes to see the same glow as I saw before radiating off her arm. I see all her wounds healing and her flutters open.

"W-whats happening? And why don't I feel like hell anymore?" She ask, sitting up.

"Mia healed you." Dai answer.

She look at me before stretching her arms wide for a hug. I smile at her as we squeeze each other tight.

"I am sorry." I utter.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." She release me and everyone in the room started clapping.

"See, you just made a bad thing good." Dad pinch my cheek. "Now tgat everything is good again, we need to come up with a pla-" My phone started to alarm, stopping dad.

I look at my phone and saw that it's almost time for me to meet up with Nathan. "Everyone, I am sorry about that. But there is something I have to go take care off." Dad shoot me a knowing look.

"Go, we will fill you in when you get back." I thank him before running out the door.

I got to the police station roof on time and look over near the edge where Nathan is standing look out at the city, his hair blowing in the breeze.

Ok girl, it's now or never. I take a deep breath and walk up to him. "Nathan." I called to get his attention.

"Insight, what are you doing here?"

"I am here to show you something, but please remember that I am the same person." I take of my mask, and Nathan gasp. The atmosphere became quiet and tense. "Nathan please say something."

"What should I say, you lied to me. You could have told me that you're Insight. Even after I had been so honest and open to you."

"I know, I know. But I didn't want to put you in danger. And I didn't want you to like me because I am Insight."

"I wouldn't have just like you because you are Insight, I would have still like you because you are you." He hold my hand in his. "I am not upset, but you should have told me.

"I am sorry about that, but I really need you help."

"Help, with what?"

"To take down the League they are after me and my team."


"They experimented on my dad, and they want his blood. They found out about me and my brother, now we are in danger too. We have a plan to take them down, but we need to police's help."

"Ok, no problem. But you have to tell me every single thing that you have been hiding from me."

"Deal." I hug him and kiss him on his cheek.

Afterwards we spend the whole night on the roof, me filling him on everything he needs to know.

The I am coming for You, so get ready.