Nero pushed Karin in first, then helped Arion get into the same seat with Karin.

Nero sat up front beside Matt.

"Come on Matt, hurry up and walk!!" said Nero while looking back at Arion who looked pale and limp.

Arion opened his eyes slowly and saw Karin who was crying.

"Where are you taking me? put me down !! I want to go home !! I still have a baby that I have to breastfeed! please spare me!" Karin said, not expecting a man named Arion who was a mafia.

"Shut up Madame !! I'm getting dizzy hearing your voice." said Arion holding back the pain in his chest as well as his eyes that were no longer able to open.

"You !! cowardly man! hurry up and let me go! I have no business with you! what are you taking me for !!" shouted Karin, hitting Arion's head hard.

"You!!" Said Arion, he could no longer continue his words after his eyes were flickered and could no longer open.


Arion's body collapsed in Karin's lap. At that moment, Nero pointed his gun at Karin's head, who was still stunned when Arion collapsed in her lap due to the blow that was too hard.

"Don't do anything else, if you don't want your head to break right now and you won't be able to see your baby again. Being nice is better for you so that Mr. Arion can let you go as soon as possible." said Nero in a cold and unblinking tone staring at Karin.

"I hit him not too hard, sir, you're not well, so you fainted." argued Karin without any fear.

"And what is this !! Just casually passed out on someone else's lap!" Karin said, lifting Arion's back so that she was no longer on her lap.

"Just let Mr. Arion sleep on your lap, don't disturb him! Or I'll shoot you!" threatened Nero with an unfriendly look.

Karin swallowed her saliva.

"Try it if you don't carry a weapon, I already make sure you are battered!" Karin said to herself, finally forced to let Arion pass out in her lap.

Arriving at a very large house that could be said to be a European-style mansion Karin shuffled around with her arm held by Matt. Meanwhile, Nero lifted Arion's body and brought him into Arion's room.

"Hurry, help me! Get the blanket!" said Nero to Karin who was pushed in by Matt.

With Annoyed, Karin took the blanket after Arion lay down.

"Take care of Mr. Arion until his realize, because you are can free or not, at the mercy of Mr. Arion." said Nero in a cold tone and then came out, followed by Matt.

"You cowardly men all dare to use only weapons, now how can I contact Aska if I'm with these people?" Karin asked herself as she walked back and forth thinking to find a way out.

"Um ... why didn't I think of taking his hostage? instead of his being injured and now passed out I can hold his hostage so I can get out of here! But what weapon am I using? My bag has also been stolen." Karin muttered as she looked around the room.

"Ahhh! There he is a fruit knife! Thank God God still protects me." Karin said again and walked towards the table where the knife was.

Carrying a fruit knife, Karin crept closer to Arion, whose eyes were still closed.

Karin waved her hand to confirm that Arion was still passed out. Slowly, Karin intends to curl Arion's neck with the threat of a knife that will be placed on his neck veins.

With full courage, Karin hugged Arion's neck to grab him immediately, but her movements were not as fast as Arion's movement, who had already clamped her neck with her body on top of Arion's body.

"Aaahhh !! Insolent !! Let go !!" shouted Karin with her neck still on Arion's arm.

"Shut up! Don't like yelling and cursing at me!" whispered Arion in a deep voice right in Karin's ear as he grabbed the knife in Karin's hand and threw it away.

Karin was silent as she took a deep breath.

"Let go of me, I beg ... I have to go home, poor Arnest this time definitely needs me." Karin said desperately in a soft voice.

"Who is Arnest? Is he your husband?" Asked Arion while enduring the pain in his chest because Karin's body was crushed under his clasp.

"Arnest my baby, he still needs my breast milk, please let me go." Karin said in a choked voice because Arion's clamp was right on her neck vein.

"I'll let you go! If you are nice to me." said Arion in a deep but soft voice compared to before.

"Okay." said Karin briefly.

"You promise! Because a mother will always keep her promise!" said Arion in a deep voice.

"I'm promise you." Karin said quickly because she could no longer stand her body which was still on top of Arion's body.

Arion slowly let go of his clasps. Immediately Karin rubbed her neck and got up from her place.

"Treat my wound now! You can see because of you my wound is bleeding again." said Arion when he saw the bandage covering his chest turned red.

"I will treat you! I used to be a nurse! But I ask for help let me contact my husband so as not to worry, because my baby Arnest still needs me." said Karin with a pleading look.

"I myself will send a message to your husband, now tell me what message you want to send to your husband?" said Arion.

"Tell him that I'm with Kirana for a while. And can I talk to Kirana for a moment? So that if my husband calls Kirana there won't be a misunderstanding?" said Karin with imploring eyes.

"Well you have five minutes no more than that." Said Arion while giving his cellphone to Karin after sending a message to Aska.

Karin quickly received her cellphone and contacted Kirana.

"Hello, can you help me to answer Aska's question when you contact you later? If Aska asks you where I am, tell me that I'm currently with you, I'll explain everything to you later." Karin said quickly without hearing Kirana's answer because Arion had already cut the call.