"Why do you have to work baby, aren't you still sick? And after all there is already Karin in the office?" Camila said she wanted to be alone with Karin.

"But Mom, I'm bored at home... if I'm not at work," said Arion a little sulkily.

"Is it because it's there, Karin?" Camila asked with a smile.

Arion's face turned red at Camila's words.

"I want to always be close to him Mom. I can recover quickly when I'm with Karin." Arion answered honestly.

"But Karin is your brother's wife dear." Camila said in her heart with tears in her heart.

This is what she now fears that his two children will suffer by loving the same woman.



Arion went home with Jeno, without resting Arion was getting ready to go to the office.

"Mom, I have to work now." Arion said after changing clothes.

"No my son! today you have to rest at home." Camila said because she had made an appointment with Karin to meet at the office.