With a pounding heart Naoki walked to Uncle Alex's car and immediately got in the car.

With high speed Uncle Alex ran his car towards the hospital where Mr. Hinata was being treated.

Arriving at the hospital, Naoki was brought by Uncle Alex to a special room where Mr. Hinata was being treated.

"Uncle Alex, Mr. Hinata's condition is not too bad, right?" asked Naoki before entering Mr. Hinata's room.

"You will know for yourself Mr. Hinata's condition when you are inside. Give your best attention to Mr. Hinata because all this time Mr. Hinata has given all the love and happiness just for you." Uncle Alex said trying to calm down.

Naoki's heart was getting more and more restless to hear Uncle Alex's answer who seemed to have given up on Mr. Hinata's situation.

"Will Mr. Hinata die Uncle Alex? Is that true?" Naoki asked to confirm what was on her mind.