"With all your good intentions why did you change my status to already married to you? Isn't that very detrimental to you who are not married?" Naoki asked in her heart still looking at Arion's face with an incomprehensible look.

With a deep sigh, Naoki took off Arion's shoes and socks that Arion had not taken off.

After taking off Arion's shoes and socks, Naoki took the blanket and covered Arion's body with concern.

Without making a sound Naoki took a pillow and carried it to the sofa for her to sleep who was already very sleepy.

While lying asleep on the sofa Naoki tried to close her sleepy eyes but her mind still drifted to the person she missed the most, namely Hinata.

"How are you there honey? can you see me here? I'm missing you right now." Naoki said while imagining Hinata's face who was so very handsome and gentle who always loved and cared about her.
