"I don't know honey, I've been crying so hard. I don't know how to silence Adinda. I've given her milk still crying, I'm carrying her still crying. Did something happen to Adinda?" asked bramanto while giving Adinda to Kirana who had woken up.

"I think Adinda is not sick, Bram, maybe Adinda is urinating or defecating. If that's true, Adinda could be crying all the time because she feels uncomfortable." Kirana said while putting Adinda to bed and slowly opening Adinda's diaper to know what she was thinking right.

"Well... right dear? Adinda's diaper is full of urine. Adinda's diaper has to be changed every few hours so it's not heavy and doesn't make Adinda uncomfortable, dear." Kirana said while cleaning Adinda's ass with a wet tissue.

Bramanto observed what Kirana did to Adinda. And it's true that after Adinda's diaper was changed, Adinda was quiet and didn't cry anymore.