With trembling hands Karin accepted the testpack from Naoki's hand and looked at it with unblinking eyes. After Karin woke up from her stupor Karin hugged Naoki tightly.

"Naoki, what I told you turned out to be true. You are pregnant Naoki. Congratulations." Karin said still looking at Naoki with a look of disbelief.

Naoki was silent then sat beside Karin with mixed feelings.

"Oh my God! I'm pregnant Rin? Then how to tell Arion my pregnancy? will Arion accept my pregnancy? or even leave me?" asked Naoki increasingly nervous, between sad and happy with her pregnancy.

"Now, just tell Arion. While Arion is here. Instead of you hiding it." Karin said seriously.

"Yes Rin, I will tell all this to Arion now." Naoki said a little confused on how to convey it to Arion.