"So... you admit it right? if you miss me right now?" Aska said again with a smile.

"Of course.. I miss you dear." Karin said finally Karin said it too.

"I miss you too dear." Aska said in a soft voice, feeling tortured if longing had hit his heart.

"Honey... didn't Nathan follow you there?" Karin asked, changing the subject so that her longing wouldn't be too torturous.

"Nathan got an assignment out of town for another tender, and again the one who was asked to come here by the police chief here was me. So I have to be here. Why dear?" Asked Aska with a heart filled with happiness because Karin was worried about him.

"I'm worried about you dear, you don't know....my anxiety this time is different than usual. I don't want anything to happen to you dear." Karin said saying her anxiety that couldn't go away from her heart.