With the help of Bramanto, Arion brought Johan in his car accompanied by Karin.

"Bram, be careful here later I will come back here after taking Johan to the hospital." said Arion then started his car at high speed to take Johan to the hospital.

"Do you know where the nearest hospital is Arion?" Karin asked in a panic.

"You take it easy, when I came here I saw there was a hospital over there. We'll be there." Arion said back to running his car without a hitch.

Arriving at a fairly large hospital, Arion stopped his car right in front of the emergency room door.

"Karin, how is Johan doing? he's still breathing right?" Arion asked before getting out of the car.

"Johan is still breathing, I can still feel his pulse and heartbeat." Karin replied after pressing Johan's pulse.

Immediately Arion, saw the doctor on duty and told him everything that had happened.