"No Karin, you've done the best for me and Arnest. You did it for both of us. I should be the one thanking you honey." Aska said wiping Karin's tears that were running down her cheeks.

"But because of me you two have become like this, you have to go here and there following what I do." Karin said while leaning her head on Aska's chest.

"Enough dear.. don't be sad anymore, it's all over. And again Johan has calmed down there, he doesn't feel pain anymore and he also feels happiness because you are by his side at the last moment of his life." Aska said wiping Karin's tears that were still flowing.


"Excuse me, we will bring Mr. Johan for us to move to be cleaned, Mr. Adin is waiting there," said a nurse with two other nurses.

"Yes, Sister, please go ahead." Aska said confirming what the nurse did to take Johan away.