Riswan's past story

"In my memory only you at that time I remember. And God heard my prayer because you have returned and I can't hold back when I see the cute Arnest, Arnest my granddaughter Karin. And you alone... also Kirana is my child that I can't hug and I've had it for years." said Mr. Riswan with both hands clenched into fists to prevent the tears from spilling out.

With a tight chest, Karin looked at Mr. Riswan with tears already streaming down her cheeks. Unable to hold back the feeling that stomped in her heart, Karin hugged Mr. Riswan very tightly and called Mr. Riswan as Daddy.

"Father... Daddy." Karin called over and over and hugged Riswan tightly without any intention of letting go again.

"Karin my son." Riswan said crying silently, returning Karin's hug with a heart filled with happiness.