aska anxiety

"I'm nothing dear, I'm just thinking about the problem of Arion who wants to go home. I can't help him yet because I'm still here with you guys. And I have to look after Dad until Dad's surgery is over." Aska said trying to calm down with Karin's always critical question.

"How handsome if his face is like Uncle Edo." Karin said again as she took over the baby Alea and carried her.

"Have you got a name yet Nat? Your handsome baby?" Karin asked while kissing Alea's tiny baby hand.

"I've thought about it, I'll name my baby Leo Amoris. Isn't that good?" Nathan asked his friends.

"All good names Nat, the important thing is there is a prayer in it. So that both of your babies will be dutiful children to their parents." Karin said as she looked at Leo Amoris' baby face.

"That's great Nat, I like our baby's name." said Alea with a smile.