Arion and his past

"In that case, tell your employees to complete the hospital administration and at the same time prepare a ticket to Indonesia tomorrow morning." said Arion seriously.

Naoki nodded his head then sent a message to his confidant to complete the task from Arion.

"I've already messaged Evan to sort things out for today." said Naoki still sitting beside Arion with a heart filled with question marks.

"Naoki." called Arion didn't want Naoki to be restless because of his wish.

"Yes." said Naoki as he sat closer.

"You don't think anything of it, I came home because I have to help Aska who is now in quite a big problem. You know that Aska is my brother, and how when we have problems Aska and Karin always help us." said Arion explaining something to make Naoki believe.