The Seven Legends

[Episode 20]

The Seven Legends must be amazing to have a title like that.

Though even if they are so wonderful, is there a need to be so elated about coincidentally meeting one? We're all just humans in the end.

But I really must ask, "Hasn't it only been a day? Why are there already continental bosses or whatever?"

Lynn looks at me angrily, puffing up her cheeks, "As I said, those guys are extremely powerful! Each member has at least four groups of 3+ people each under them."

"What, you mean gangs?"

"Well, sort of. I'd call them factions since those six groups control lots of smaller groups. For reference, the team I'm in is actually under Fuyu's group. Unfortunately, hun, I've never actually spoken to them since we're so far down in the ranking compared to them."

"Is that so..." It seems that Fuyu is quite formidable. From the way she fights, it's quite understandable.

Lynn walks around me excitedly. She stops puffing her cheeks and her eyes sparkle, "If you met Fuyu then you must've met another one of the Seven Legends!"

I did? "Who exactly are you talking about?"

"The fifth strongest Seven Legend that Fuyu joined arms with, Jaehyun!"

She's probably referring to the guy Fuyu has a crush on.

But how does she know that he's the fifth strongest? "Lynn, what's this about strongest and weakest Legends?"

"No way! Don't tell me you have no idea about the level system dearie?"

"Level system?"

"Yeah, that's right. Without that system, we wouldn't be able to know who we shouldn't mess with carelessly."

Oh? That actually sounds pretty useful. It must be based on our stats and skills. I should probably be in the middle since I have a C-rank skill. Even though I'm not too sure how good my stats are compared to everyone else, I at least think I'm not too bad compared to Lynn or Fuyu.

"To figure out your rank hun, you can either have a look at your profile or say 'ranking'. When you use 'ranking', you can see everyone else's positions above their heads."

This is starting to sound pretty cool! Simultaneously, we both shout out, "Ranking!"


{Player Rank-Lynn: 62/98}


Wow~ Lynn's rank is bobbing on top of her head. She isn't too bad at all.

"Uhh... Ruvie."

"Yeah? What is it? Oh! You've seen my rank, haven't you? Well, where do I place?!"

"Hun, you're... Rank 98."

"Eh? EHHHH?!!!" Wait wait wait! So I'm almost bottom rank?! What is this?! I'm so damn tired of all of this! When is it my turn to be happy?

Ok, let's think positively, at least I'm not ranked 100. Whoever has that rank must be having things harder than me since I don't even have a weapon.

"When you said you didn't have a weapon Hun, I figured you'd have a low rank. But I didn't think it would be this bad. Bottom rank huh..."

"What do you mean I'm bottom rank? It says I'm rank 98 and didn't Murim say there were 100 people here in total?"

Lynn makes a troubled face, putting a hand on her face out of pitty. "Yeah, that is what he said, dearie. But he probably made a mistake since it clearly says 98/98."

This is ridiculous. I look up at my stats to confirm with my own eyes only to be severely disappointed.

How can a person be so damn unfortunate! Not only have I become a woman, I have a lack of weapons, lost my points for a useless skill and missed my only chance to see a beautiful woman in the nude but now you're telling me I'm the weakest of everyone here?!

I might as well just test my luck with going back home by dying right here and now!

Things can't get any worse than this to be fair. There should only be good things waiting for me from here on out. "Although I'm pretty sure there were 100 people here, it wouldn't change the fact that I'm bottom rank."

Lynn looks at me with a worried face, not knowing how to cheer me up. I better heat up this cold atmosphere by changing the topic.

"You remember those groups you were talking about earlier? How come nobody invited me to any? And besides, when did people even have time to make them?"

"Actually Hun, I saw quite a few people walk up to you while you were sleeping yesterday and earlier today. Either they saw your level or like me, left you alone because they didn't want to disturb your nap."

So people considered me despite my low level? I find it hard to believe they had good intentions so I would've declined even if they invited me. I'd rather stay alone than interact with more strangers.

"People can be so silly. Making friends and falling in love without learning anything about the other person first."

"You're the silly one Ruvie! It was so hard making you break out of that silly shell you made. Do you not consider me a close friend even now?"

No. I actually don't consider you or anyone a close friend. I don't even know you well enough. Although I can hang around you and feel sorta safe with you, I think calling you my close friend is taking it too far. Is what I want to say, but I think she'd kill me if I said that.

"Yeah of course I think of you as a close friend. That isn't what I'm trying to say."

She releases a relieved sigh. "If anything, you're the weird one Ruvie. It wouldn't be odd to have heightened emotions that cause you to fall in love with someone when faced with an impossible situation. Besides, familiarity wasn't the only reason people teamed up, they did it based on rank and sometimes religion and ethnicity."

Ouch. Didn't expect to get insulted today. But I guess I did have it coming. Imagine what she would've done if I outright said I don't consider her my close friend.

This entire situation is ridiculous, though it's not as bad as being betrayed by someone you trust. I refuse to get too close to anyone again. Never again will I...

Snap out of it Ruvian! I slap my cheeks against my face, trying to forget the past.