In the depths of the world is Hell, formerly ruled by a demon called Reyland, until one day Yurako, a demon woman challenged the King to a fight to the death for the throne. Their battle shook the world until finally Yurako conquered however he did not assassinate Reyland but expelled him from Hell so that he could live in disgrace for all eternity.
Yurako's first order upon assuming the throne was to destroy the creation of the Goddess Arcadia: Elenthor, because his hatred for the gods who saw demons as inferior beings was immense.
This was how a great crack opened in the ground of Elenthor and from it came an Army of monsters ready to destroy everything.
The war was brutal, the inhabitants of Elenthor were at a disadvantage, they only had to defend themselves "The Guardians of Arcadia", named in memory of the goddess Arcadia, creator of the magical world as a refuge for mystical beings and that now had been invaded. This was an army created with the last ho18s to save the kingdom, it consisted of swordsmen, magicians, elves, fairies, alchemists, priestesses and samurais.
With all these factions joining forces they marched into the final battle.
After much fighting under a sky that had lost the sun covered in a winter that chilled to the soul, a samurai, Salazar Blade made his way through the demons and achieved what no other: reach the gap of Hell; the wind stopped blowing, there was only silence, the steel of his sword made a brief echo and became one with the gap. Using a spell sealed the entrance, the demons began to die, as they needed to open the gap to survive.
In the sky a red dragon appeared, it was the Demon Queen in her most fearsome form and with a voice that rumbles the sky she said:
_ "Listen well, demihumans: Enjoy this victory because it will be the first and the last, from today the future generations are cursed, their own children will cause a greater destruction than all my demons together _ and saying this bright spheres came out of the The Demon Queen's eyes spread across the world.The Dragon entered Hell before the entrance was closed.
Many demons stayed and tried to flee. Although they were killed, they were still on the loose after the battle.
Upon hearing the news, King Sthefan of Elenthor ordered the guardians to search the entire kingdom for the humans who had been "cursed" and hunt down all the demons that were still at large. But that would not be an easy task because according to the words of the Demon Queen: "Future generations .....", she was talking about children who just arrived in the world, they were going to suffer.
After the curses were thrown on the world and the war against the demons ended, Elenthor had been so destroyed that it became uninhabitable, submerged in a cloud of dark dust, where the sunlight was not seen, for that reason Jeremiah Smith was ordered , the best architect in the kingdom, to design new cities for Elenthor equal to the others but improved.
After a few days of the recovery from the war, the plan of the new Elenthor was ready, for this the kingdom was sent to cover the kingdom with immense steel beams made by the alchemists, and on these "fertile" land, which was carefully placed
On top of the asphalt, then the construction began and after a year the "Modern Elenthor" was inaugurated, but the constructions had not yet finished, as King Stefan ordered to build a huge building, with large golden columns to be the headquarters of the Order of the Guardians of Arcadia, the orders of King Sthefan were: Find the children who had been cursed and take them to the capital of Elenthor so that the Council of Sages, located them in a place near the guardians, where they could study and being "normal" was the most human thing they could do for them.
To lead all the factions, Salazar Blade was chosen as Commander, who was now known as: "The slayer of the 1000 demons" and was highly respected even by the king himself, but he was the only one of the guardians who opposed the idea of treating a "cursed" being as his equal much less wanted any of his children to associate with them.
With this announcement, more and more people joined to be part of the guardians of Arcadia, but at the same time fear lurked in all the doors, all the women who had just become mothers feared that one of their children had the cursed mark , and ..... What was the cursed brand ?.
Since all demons had a distinctive mark etched on their bodies, whoever was born with it was "cursed." After a few months without finding anything, the Commander of the Guardians, Salazar Blade received the great news that his wife, Sarabi had given birth to their second daughter, quickly left the building of the Guardians where he worked and left for the village of Rivendell, when he arrived home full of joy his servants received him, but in his eyes he only saw fear reflected, worried as he got into the room and found his wife lying down holding a baby, next to his eldest daughter Elena asked:
_What's the problem? Why are the servants so scared? ..._ and he couldn't finish speaking when he saw the "damn" mark on the arm of his newborn daughter.
Salazar Blade put his hands to his mouth, as if he wanted to scream but didn't. The mother got up holding the girl and with a smile said:
_This is our daughter. Isn't she beautiful? She looks like you ......
_ENOUGH! _ Salazar interrupted her with a ruthless voice_ I want you to remove that ...... thing from me.
_What do you say Salazar? She's your daughter! It doesn't matter that she has the damn mark. It is not her fault, she is innocent, we have to bring her to the capital before the Council of Sages.
_I see, so you choose a "cursed" being, like your daughter but she is not mine, no, she is ..... a "cursed" is not my daughter, Elena .... she is my daughter, come with me Elena stay away from ... that "thing".
But Elena did not move, she clung to her mother's dress and replied:
_Aneberlee is my little sister and I want to stay with her and Mom, I know it's different but I still want to stay with her .....
_ ANEBERLEE!?, YOU HAVE NAME HER AS IF IT WERE HUMAN ..... if you want to stay with her, GO FORWARD! but do not count on me and above all I will not give my last name to a being that is not even human ... I refuse ... I refuse ..._ And saying this with angry eyes he left, leaving his wife and daughter crying from disappointment at the terrible decision that Salazar Blade had made.
Sarabi, on the other hand, loved her daughter Aneberlee, and so that she would not be left without a surname she named her Aneberlee Winter, because she had been born on the day that winter began in Ancient Elenthor.