As Julia walked into the house, she hoped to bump into Joshua but upon searching all the rooms there was still no Joshua insight. She then went back to her room and called Raymond, worry beginning to creep in

"Raymond hey. I wanted to know if you have heard from Joshua i haven't seen him for over 24hours now."

"No i haven't heard from him either. I last saw him at the police station and he hasn't responded to any of my messages. Did you ask Ricky? Maybe he has some business at the club."

"Send me his number please." she said as she cut the call. Few minutes later Raymond sent the contact but as she dialed it, it went straight to voicemail as well. At that point she was no longer sure of what to think. There was no way Joshua would dissappear for that long and not communicate. She then walked out and into the car then sped straight to club midnight. It was noisy as usual and heavily packed. She squeezed her way past the drunk customers until she reached the bartender. Unfortunately it wasn't someone she expected it was a new face. It wasn't Ricky

"Excuse me hie." she called trying to compete with the heavy thud coming from the speakers

"Can we talk somewhere quiet? I need to talk to you." she raised her voice as much as she could and the man's response showed he knew who she was. He then called on another worker to be on watch on his behalf while he walked out of the place following Julia

"I'm Julia. Joshua's wife. Is Joshua here i haven't heard from him for over 24 hours." The man stood eyes glued on her for a while before clearing his throat. It was then that it dawned on her that she was introduced as blind, but that was far from the issue

"No madam. I haven't seen the boss. Even Ricky has been missing we can't seem to reach him. I think they are together wherever they are he is the one the boss trusts the most."

"Has anything like this ever happened? Them going missing without communicating?"

"Well no. Its strange because Ricky always communicates. He had a night shift to tend to last night but he never showed. His phone is not going through and neither is the boss picking his calls. We just concluded they are probably taking care of something."

"Okay thanks. If he passes by tell him to call me okay?"

"Yes madam." he said before Julia walked back into the car and drove off. She could feel something was off something wasn't right. She simply hoped Joshua was okay, and would show up home soon.


Helen sat by the bed a well packed satchel by her side as she examined the black pistol in her hand. She couldn't use a suitcase it would look suspicious. And besides, she wasn't even planning on leaving with Timothy

"Helen." she heard Raymond call out and she quickly hid the gun just as he slowly opened the door. He closed it after entering and went on to sit next to her, his eyes constantly darting from her face to the satchel by her side

"And then? Whats with the satchel?" he asked

"Well i just wanted a breather. I didn't tell dad about it so don't tell him just yet okay?"

"What's going on?"

"I just want space Ray. I will be gone for just a day...maybe two i just want to breath and think. I will come back as soon as i can okay?"

"You are not making sense Helen. Where are you going?"

"I don't know but just somewhere a little far where i can think. Raymond i don't even know how i am going to tell dad that i am pregnant for Timothy. I need to go and think so cover up for me will you?" she said as she hugged him. Raymond reluctantly hugged her back totally unsure of what to think or say

"If anything happens, just know that i love you okay?" she whispered

"Why would anything happen Helen. Just tell me where you are as soon as you get there. I will help you with the satchel lets go." With that the two siblings walked and Raymond helped her into the car then watched it take off. Unknowingly exposing her to a very very cruel fate.


Night came again with still nothing from Joshua. At that point Julia was getting frustrated. She had called Raymond but he had nothing to give and neither was Ricky picky picking his calls not to talk of Joshua. At that point, she had left him numerous messages hoping he would respond but there was nothing. She was getting sick with worry. What if her enemies had done something to him? That thought reeled in and she wasn't strong enough to entertain it hence shoved it away. It was a possibility, but she chose to be hopeful. She hoped Joshua wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere screaming in agony or even worse, dead. She then lay on the bed her phone closely lying next to her and dozed off, hoping to be slapped awake by Joshua walking through the door and calling out her name.


After a brief settle down in a hotel room, the dreaded call came in and with shaky hands Helen answered.

"I'm outside. Come lets go." said Timothy briefly before cutting the call. Giving her no time to say anything. Quickly grabbing her bag, she checked out of the place and found her way to Timothy's car. She threw the bag onto the back seat and quietly sat next to him on the front seat and they drove off. Helen kept her gaze outside and never uttered a word. It was almost an hour later that Timothy broke the silence, his voice on its own making her wish she would grab him by the nose and throw him out of the car.

"I'm glad you agreed to come with me."

"As if i had a choice." she said eyes still wondering outside. Now finding nature quite interesting

"I thought you would carry a suitcase. A single satchel is unlike you."

"I take it you have the money to buy me new clothes. You didn't take me out of my father's house to expose me to misery i suppose?"

"No no not at all. I will take care of both you and the child i promise. I cant wait to have you as my wife." Helen was now failing to contain her patience. She looked at the time and it was a little past ten and as she raised her eyes, she noticed they were about to drive out of the city, it was now or never

"I'm feeling so cold. My jacket is in my bag." she said

"You want me to get it for you?"

"No no continue driving i can do it." she then reached out for the satchel and dug her hands into it and next thing she was pointing the gun straight at Timothy's head."

"Stop the car Tim." she said boldly yet her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest

"You are are making a grave mistake my love." he said calmly as he parked the car by the roadside

"You are going to get out of this car with both your hands on your head. If you don't do as i say Timothy i swear I will blow your brains out!" Choosing to do as instructed, Timothy opened the door and slowly raised his hands to his head or rather pretended to, but abruptly found his way to the gun in Helen's hands and next thing they were battling for it.

"Timothy let go!" Helen screamed but Tim wouldn't and the next thing, a bullet went off.