"This room is amazing! Look at this!" said the girl lifting up a flower vase as soon as Tinashe left
"It is. Its amazing." she responded her eyes lingering anywhere and everywhere. It was a beautiful room, a medium sized book shelf stationed by one of the corners books neatly stacked. Her eyes found their way to his bedside where there was a picture of Helen then on the right side a picture of Raymond. His kids were indeed his life
"Isn't sir Raymond so handsome? I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life just looking at him." said the girl lifting up the picture, "I wouldn't mind sir Joshua either, he is so beautiful!" she said snapping Julia back to reality
"You know Joshua?" she asked clearly aghast. The girl spared her a stunned look before placing back the picture
"Don't be funny Thuba weren't we drooling over him was it last year lost your memory? And why does your voice sound different?" she said shocking Julia