
The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun. Silhouette of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta, and the sun was half into the water, but its reflection in the water made it look complete. The mauve of the dusky sky intensified, and in just a while, the biggest star had set, giving way to a thousand others.

While people were enjoying the sunset, I was enjoying the view of the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I have dated a lot of beauties starting from heiresses to models but such beauty has never crossed my view before. And while I was still lost in her beauty, suddenly she disappeared. She was just like an angel and we all know angels appear only to disappear. Still I looked here and there to search for her. To see if by any chance I could spot her. I was feeling really strange, I desperately wanted to search for her and get to kow her, get acquainted with her which was quite strange for me. As I usually prefered to stay away from such feelings. I don't believe in love , never did as it only weakens people and therefore I avoid harbouring such feelings for anyone.

After coming back from the beach I decided to quickly get rid of these strange feelings and forget about that girl. These feelings are toxic and will only destroy me like they did to Bella. I need to stop thinking about that girl and forget about her. She will bring me no good. Like any other girl she will be interested in my money and looks and only destroy me. She is no different. All girls are the same and she is no different. She might be a golddigger like any other girl who throw themselves at me for my money and status.

And these feelings that I am having for her must be due to the fact that I have not gotten laid ina long time. Maybe I should call Karlie and I will get rid of these thoughts and forget about her.

Karlie is my friend with benefits and my lawyer. She is available for me whenever I need her. She understands the fact tbat I am not into relationships and will never be committed to anyone. Though she hopes that maybe one day we will work out but she knows that will never happen. I don't believe in love, marriage or commitments. I love my bachelor life and I love to be free and I love my life as it is. I already have

much complications in my life, I don't need any more complications added to it by committing to any woman.

Furthermore , I am not alone and it's not only about me. I have a child to take care of. So even if I do marry someone, that woman will only be interested in becoming my wife but she will never be interested in becoming Nathan's mother. She will never care about him because he is not her not own son and may even treat him badly or hate him and it may leave a scar in Nathan's life and I can't let that happen. I can't let him have a traumatized childhood. He already has so much on his plate, I cannot add more it. That is why I like to stickk to one nightstands and no string attached relationships like Karlie and me.

"Hey Karlie! What's up?"

"Nothing. Just doing some office work."

"Oh! Can you come right now?"

"Yeah sure. Why not? I was anyway getting bored at home. I will come right away."

"Alright. Fine then I will wait for you."

After Karlie came that night , we both went on trying to satisfy each other. But the most strange fact was while was having sex with Karlie , I was still thinking about that girl and imagining her in Karlie's place which was quite strange for me. I was never this much affected by any girl and this whole issue was terrifying me.

And it has been two months since that day but still, I can't get over her. And currently, I am feeling like an insane man who is fantasizing about a complete stranger. I mean come on, I don't even know her name. How can I be so much lame! Maybe I will be able to get over her once I get to taste her. It must only be attraction and nothing else and I will be able to get her out of my system once I get to taste her.

I was currently in my office trying to deal with my newfound misery when out of nowhere my idiotic bestfriend decided to disrupt my peace and grace me with his annoying presence. He is really an irritating man and I still wobder how I vecome friends with him in the first place and why I am still friends with him.

"Hey bro! What's up?"

"Nothing, I am working and I am quite busy."

"Is there anything else that you do other than working. How boring man?"

"If you don't have anything important to say Danny, you may leave. "

"Hey! Don't be so rude man. I am just stating the truth. Don't you think you should take a break and have some fun."

"Please don't waste my time, unlike you I am quite a busy man."

"Woah, woah calm down man! And what got stuck up in your ass? Why are you in such a foul mood?"

"Nothing. Just leave and let me do my work. And what are you even doing here? Don't you have a multibillionaire company to run."

" Yes I do have a company to run and for your kind information Mr. Flores though I run a multibillion company unlike you I am not always glued to my work. I also like to have some fun."

"So wanna come and have some fun with your cool friend Jay-Jay?"

"Hey don't call me that and no not now because I have a very important meeting in an hour."

"Alright, then can we go to the club at night?Please!Pretty please!!"

"Fine,fine. Now stop acting like a girl ."

"Fine then let's meet at our regular club at 8. And I will leave you at peace for now. Bye bro and I hope you have fun having your nose stuck in files."

After Danny left, I went ahead with my meeting and had to deal with a bunch of cranky, sly oldies thinking they can cajole me into agreeing to their terms but none of their antics ever work on me and as usual they had to agree to my terms and I cracked the deal.

After the meeting I went straight home and headed to shower immediately to relax for sometime before going to the club, as Danny will definitely start a drama if I am late. He can be really dramatic at times.