Chapter- 8

Jason's P.O.V

Finally the day of my marriage is here. The day I lose the title of being one of the most hottest and richest bachelor in America. But guess what it will only be in the eyes of the public . In reality my life is not gonna change when a bit. It is going to stay as it is and I am still going to have fun and keep on enjoying my life and go on with my playboy ways. A mere woman can neither change me and nor my lifestyle. She will just be the person with whom I share my house, nothing more nothing less. She will live her life and I will live mine. And I already made this arrangement clear to Alison when I went to meet her last week. And didn't seem much bothered to me. It was as if she was not even interested in getting married to me. She was just interested in my money and fame and it was quite obvious from her attitude. She is just one of those gold-diggers who captured my parents' attention just to get a hold of my bank account and get fame.

I was wearing a slate blue Bartlett tuxedo with a white inner shirt, slate blue inner jacket and a slate blue bow tie with a cream coloured piece of cloth in my pocket. I wore a black Rolex watch to go with it and gelled my hair . Overall I was looking quite handsome as always and drool worthy for the female population.

After I was satisfied with my looks , I went to the living room where all my friends were waiting for me.

As soon as Danny started his melodrama.

"Oh see! My baby boy is all grown up. Finally going to get married . I am feeling so emotional and I feel like crying."

Then he started fake crying. He is such a drama queen that his antics sometimes make me wonder how I became friends with him when we are completely polar opposites.

"Danny man just shut up and stop acting like a kid. Can you tell me when will you grow up and start acting like a grown up man."

"What bro? I am already a grown up and I do act like a grown up man. But can you tell me when you will start acting like a kid and have some fun and loosen up a bit?"

"Really! Seriously Danny! This is what you have to say after everything I told you. You are really incorrigible and a complete idiot."

"I know that man and that's why you love me. Anyways seriously man you should loosen up a bit. Stop being so hard on yourself. There is only one life man, enjoy it a bit instead of being stuck in the past, sulking, drowning yourself in work and being so uptight."

"You know right that I can't do that. So please don't expect such things from me Danny. Anyways leave it. Let's have a drink before we have to head outside."

Daniel being my best friend became my best man and Adam, Zachary and Nikolas became groomsmen. We four have been friends since we were in diaper and we all went to the same school, highschool and then to the same university. Wherever we go we go in group and we are known as the lethal group to the world.

Each of us possess different skills which can prove quite lethal to someone who mess with us. We four are the most richest and dangerous businessmen and we rule the business world. Most of the people in the business world fears us and they avoid messing with us as we can destroy them with just a snap of our fingers.

I was brought out of my thoughts with Danny shouting.

"Hey bro! Let's go. Where are you lost man."

"No nothing . I was just thinking about something. Anyways let's go."

"Hmmmm! You must be thinking about your would be wife."

"By the way, how does she look like man?"

"Is she a good person and will she be suitable for Nathan?"

My other three friends questioned simultaneously.

"Shut up Niko. I am not thinking about her. Unlike you I don't think about my wife all the time. You are completely whipped man. "

"Ha! Keep on teasing me. Talk to me when you have found your true love. Then tell me."

"You know na I don't believe in love and stuffs. That's why I am having a arranged marriage remember?"

"Believe me man one day you will definitely find your true love and that day you will believe me and understand my situation and you will also believe in love."

"No man. For me that day will never come and I will never let it come."

"Whatever floats your boat man but remember you can't escape from it when it will make it's appearance. You have to embrace it no matter what."

" And she is beautiful Zach. But why do you care. You know right that she is off limits to you."

"Chill man. I have no such intentions. I was just asking."

"And yes Adam I already made everything clear to her about Nathan. She knows how to behave with him and she also knows that she will be in trouble if she messes with him."

"Alright guys. Let's go! We can continue the discussion later on."

After that we all went in the garden and took our positions as directed by the coordinator. After a while "A thousands years" began to play in the background indicating the arrival of the bride.

When the bride made her appearance she was the most beautiful bride I had ever seen. But when they came closer, I noticed something which made me completely shocked.

It was not Alison's father who was giving away the bride rather it was someone else who I never expected and the bride was not Alison rather she was someone who I never even imagined in my dream will appear infront of me as my bride.