Recycle, Revive and Relate

God’s power, also called omnipotence, created the universe. Our politicians and world leaders have a crucial role in the world right now. Recently some have expressed a belief that investing to create resilient economies, on a world-wide basis, can be good for nature and ecosystems.

What is implied by ‘more resilient economies’? Surely it means better education of the leaders of the third world, so that they can better invest the gargantuan sums received through charitable giving in the UK. A Catholic charity, founded in 1961 by the National Board of Catholic Women, currently is engaged in a movement to bring about change. A crucial aspect of this is to scrutinize the existing structures and behaviours that drive poverty, gross injustice and have a knock on effect on the natural world.

Jesus fed 5000 people with five loaves and two fishes. Father Oakes, in a sermon, once said that people have missed the point of this biblical story. It is about a miracle, and that must be taught by teachers to their subjects as a fundamental priority. Father Oakes knows this. However he said that this was a story about how Jesus taught his disciples to make the most of the little that they had. So that miraculous results would then come to pass. However, many focus on the spectacle of this event, rather than the possibility that there might be a hidden meaning. It was related to ordinary human beings, in a world corrupted by men. The miracle and the hidden meaning are both to be upheld.

Father Oakes also believes that that, which is good, has its origins in the heart of a soul. This was a big part of his reflection when delivering his sermons. It could be a small bright light in the darkness of man, or a lone voice that cries out in the wilderness. Perhaps it is a Catholic, Christian or faith movement with love at the heart. From this, a strategy to deal with climate change can be developed. Then the other individuals, governments, celebrities, economies and anyone concerned can see their contribution to support the overall aim.

That aim, of such a movement, includes, but is most certainly not restricted to, ‘Net Zero’. While this is the case, there are those who support such ideals with their humble tools and mere talents. The five loaves and two fish are the restrictions. The same is true of the mustard seed. These are what human beings really have to offer in current circumstances. Five loaves can never become fifty, and a mustard seed has no potential by itself. It needs fertile ground, light and water. However, with that which is small and insignificant, change is possible.

Modern technology now means that the emissions from industrial units create a carbon ‘offset’. This means that certain reductions made by industries compensate for emissions made elsewhere. There are also many ways, in which this ‘offset’ is created, to achieve reduced overall net carbon emissions. How is this possible? Perhaps Father Oakes, and other people of faith would say that the ‘how’ is not important in relation to the fact that it simply ‘is’. Five loaves are always five. The mustard seed comes from the goodness of the ground, and enters the pre-made packet. However the dense rainforest, in the heart of China, is there before anything else is further multiplied or sown.

When Seth Smalling was 25, he worked in a nearby city called Grandoaks. Grandoaks city is often confused with Grandoaks district which surrounds. Seth’s department was called ‘Grandoaks Auxiliary’, and they are a government intermediary body that also looks after three districts, which includes this district, in the heart of England. The organization headquarters is a recently refurbished ten storey unit. It has concrete panels, originating from the 1960’s, that have been repaired and treated with reddish-brown waterproof paint that makes the sunlight reflect in places. The effect of the shiny newness of the building is further enhanced by the toughened-tinted triple glazing interspersed throughout. This work on the outer shell of the building, including the new glass, means that energy losses through the transmission of heat are reduced from what they were in a former use. Seth worked in an open plan office, on the 8th floor, with 15 other work colleagues. The senior members of staff had their offices nearby. These offices were enclosed by glass walls that spanned from the floor to the ceiling. Seth’s boss was a man named Gordon Greyhound, 50 years of age when Seth started, with a wrinkled face and silver hair combed over from the left side. Seth could see his manager’s office from the open plan area. One summer afternoon, he reported there.

After three years of his job role, of environmental policy officer, a district wide scheme called ‘Recycle, Revive and Relate’ was lobbied. Seth had completed a vast audit throughout Grandoaks, and a 1000 page document was drafted, to be passed on for higher approval. He went to see Gordon with the draft. Gordon’s office was very tidy, with three ring-binders on top of small unit in the near left hand corner. The far wall of his office included a glazed window that looked out onto the car park. The grounds of the larger estate are laden with trees, and extended into suburban woodland.

‘Good morning Gordon!’ This came after Seth had knocked on the heavily glazed office door.

‘Good morning!’ Gordon replied, whilst placing a lukewarm cup of tea on his office table. There were a fair number of reference books below ‘How can I help?’

‘I’ve finished the current version of ‘Recycle, Revive and Relate’, replied Seth whilst presenting the document ‘I just wondered whether this could be verified before being approved by cabinet? You can read the summary. I think the finer details are almost there.’

Gordon put on his round, steel-rimmed spectacles, before slowly turning the front cover. He then meticulously analyzed the proposals. For a period of five minutes or so, he skim read this extensive piece of work. He swapped between the main body of the work, the headings and the summary at the beginning.

‘Can I ask you something Seth?’ replied Gordon. This made Seth slightly nervous, but he quickly replied:

‘Yes sure’.

‘Do you believe in God?’ There was then a long, awkward pause which lasted for ten seconds or so.

‘Well, I suppose it’s very personal but yes. Yes I do.’

‘Do you think God is within all things?’

‘It’s hard to know. I suppose He is within people. He could be a manifestation of the Good. So that we are stewards of his creation, and become His children.’

During his time at the organization, Seth was in a period of his own formation as a Catholic. Often other workers, of various backgrounds, would engage with Seth on religious matters. Gordon, a self-confessed atheist, became aware of this. It is common knowledge that being outspoken about religious beliefs can cause much friction in work settings. Also many proclaim that religion and politics should not mix. This is despite the fact that politics is directly influenced by religion, including from religious leaders. This became an issue on one occasion during Seth’s five year career at the company, when he spoke to a fellow colleague who was slightly less senior than Gordon. This member of staff, Phil Flowers was also a committed atheist. He was a stocky and well-built man, with a shaved head and beard. He was well over twice Seth’s age, and considered himself to have achieved well in life. He was also held in high esteem locally.

In this particular conversation, he explained to Seth when he was the same age he had already become a father out of wedlock. Seth had wandered over to his desk, past four or five other colleagues. Seth was keen to gain more insight with regards to ‘Recycle, Revive and Relate’. Phil’s desk was a corner-style unit that sat very centrally in the office. He and Seth worked closely together on a number of schemes that improved the lives of many people that the organization served.

The other workers, in the office, were intrigued about Seth. Although they generally kept their head down, they were always a cohort of onlookers when it concerned Seth and his incredible level of focus relating to his job role. This was also a role that he had in the community, as well as the organization. However, on this occasion, the audience created a situation of incredible unease for the 25 year old.

At the end of explaining to Flowers about the new project, he was asked very directly about his personal life. He had said that he was a ‘single lay person’ and that he intended to wait until marriage before starting a family. Flowers said that he did not know what this meant, and then made a joke that Seth should ask out a member of staff. Seth laughed this off.

A famous theologian, who died in the early 1990’s, said that sex is holy. At the end of his most famous work, he explains to his following that peace in the world will be brought about when the union of man and woman is restored. Also the ‘marriage’ of the opposing cultures in the world, as well as time and eternity. This is a book that Seth loved. He was an avid reader and had many friends that were female. However, similar to his best friend Simon, he struggled with his nerves but to a lesser extent. In short, although he desired a relationship like the one Flowers’ had been blessed with, he wasn’t good on dates!

Seth was made to feel embarrassed by Flowers on this occasion. It wasn’t helped by the audience, much more senior to Seth, who actually expressed slight amusement at the situation. Some of them, who had known Flowers for much longer than Seth, had turned away from their computer screens to watch this before returning to work. Seth had noticed this; however these particular individuals had made every effort to ensure that he didn’t.

After this event, unbeknown to Gordon and Phil Flowers, Seth had met with Father Oakes. He had explained that on this occasion that he failed in his witness to Christ when the situation forced him to apologize for his faith. Father Oakes was a man of wisdom. One of the aspects of the spiritual guidance, he gave to Seth, was that ‘prudence’ was a very important Catholic virtue. It can relate to any aspect of a person’s life. It may include knowing what to say, and what not to, in any given situation.

Despite this, Seth had become a pillar of the Grandoaks Community, like one of the pillars in Maybury church beside an apostle. He was very excited about the fruits of his labour, but this situation was a very harsh learning experience. Part of his response to Flowers was to nervously try and big up his past relationships he had had with girls he had dated. But these could hardly be called relationships.

On reflection he can now conclude the following. This was a large firm that sat in the British heartland. It almost preached the requirement for a sexual relationship as doctrine. This is like saying that everyone should be baptized, when the catechism explains that God creates different paths to salvation for those who aren’t.

However, at the same time, this implied doctrine was as a result of the level of diversity in the office, which is a good thing. God created a diverse world, and a plethora of life on the sheath shown to St Peter. Therefore, there were many different voices in the office at the time of this encounter. There were voices speaking and also voices inside the hearts of those who watched on by. Seth was a poor apologetic, and Flowers was more advanced in years. Flowers’ was closer to God, because he was a happier person than the newly formed young person of influence. This is despite being a self-proclaimed atheist.

At the same time, Seth was still the rich young man. As well as his vocation in life, he questioned how he stood before God as someone of material wealth. In his report, ‘Recycle, Revive and Relate’, Gordon Greyhounds concerns were on how the document preached a philosophy of more proportionate allocation of wealth to poorer communities. He feared that this would not satisfy a local government strongly influenced by the right wing. It’s almost as if his very being, the spiritual presence and bodily matter of Seth Smalling, had to fit like a glove in to something much greater than he. This he bravely attempted on a daily basis. He wanted to be a professional. But on many levels, the metaphorical hand didn’t fit the glove.

Seth was not versed in apologetics, and on this occasion had to explain his virginity to the on looking crowd. He was not the voice of reason. It was Flowers’ voice who was. Flowers’ voice outlined the impracticality of a 25 year old graduate taking a position of power as someone who hadn’t the support of a loving relationship. Gordon Greyhounds voice didn’t echo it, but on many levels he agreed. Greyhounds’ tone was more reassuring, rather than critical and condescending. Seth’s position was not sustainable, paradoxically if a fantastic sustainability policy might change the landscape of the district. It is needless to say that his gift of purity wasn’t something to be recognized by society.

Seth left the authority after the Christmas works party in 2006. The true burden of Seth to this day is the following. In what I see each day, which are the voices of reason, and which are the falseness? Perhaps both go together, to create one mixed voice. While this was true, from his time at the Auxiliary, he would often go into situations in a very confused manner. Such as knowing when to speak or act, or when to withdraw. This can also be seen as learning to play a more canny game of cards. Another burdensome question is ‘is the game always necessary?’ Why do human beings need to jump through hoops, when it might be never expected of them? We choose our paths, and the less burdensome ones are sometimes fundamentally right. Such as Jesus, who’s ‘yoke was easy and His burden light’.