After eating, I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth before moving to bed afterwards, have watched videos first on YouTube until fall asleep.
Got up at 5:00 AM to cook for our lunch. I can’t sleep again because of the noise coming from the window.
“Good-morning, my dear. It seems you woke up very early, uh! Go to your bed and try to get asleep farther.” Yaya Celestina preached me right away.
I beamed in response as prepared a coffee afterwards.
“It can’t relax anymore, Yaya because of the noise at the window that causes me awake.” Sat down, eventually started sipping my coffee. “I want to help for cooking our breakfast now."
“No need, Miss Athena.” She refused by swinging of her hand. “Sir Greige might be angry with us and he assumed I was ordering you to do that.” She said while started getting the food out of the refrigerator.
“Yaya, please?” I begging her with matching puppy eyes. It bothers me to stick around here and doing nothing. It feels like I am lazy that is just keeps wandering to this house. I badly want them to tell anything about me…
After a few seconds, she finally agreed to my request.
“Alright, fry this meat, hotdogs and eggs.” As Yaya Helena instructing me the meal I should prepare. “I will have to cook rice and simmered the water.” She left me alone finally.
When focused on cooking, it was a little disturbed by this weird guy in presence of me now.
“What are you doing here?” He asked seriously as examining what I was doing. Early in the morning, he sees in a foul mood.
“Can you get it? I am cooking.” Directly conveyed to him, because it is clear of what I am engaging in. What does he think should do in the kitchen?
” As long as I realize you don’t know how to cook.” It caused me to pause for a while however, I didn’t have upset after all.
“Yaya Helena has taught me how since you were in America.” It was making this convincing. Athena doesn’t really experience to cook, and she’s not interested to learn that stuff.
He nodded, “Really? That’s good anyway!” It determined that I did him believe. ‘’Stay, I skipped to do something yet. I’ll taste it afterward." Before he left behind for a moment.
Sure, I will prove it. You won’t giggle at me then. Maybe someday you will fall in love with me as when you enjoy my dishes. Wait, what did I say? No, he wouldn't fall for me. Althaea, you’re silly now.
For a while, this weird guy broke the muzzle as well. I consumed some water first so that it wouldn’t dizzy me of what he would say thereafter.
“Your dishes are tasty, uh. It is amazing that you did great.” As he complimented before spitting out his food again.
Athena and I were always comparing by our parents. They are ignoring me often, whatever I do unlike my twin does. Therefore, I left them here and went to Manila to live independently. I went back to concentration when Greige called my attention.
“Are you okay? You’re seems stunned and having a deep in thought.” As he commented while staring into my face.
“I’m fine, thanks.” I tried to smile at him because it might keep shedding my tears anytime.
Here I am again in the garden, silently observing the plants and flowers. They look beautiful and invigorating. The sadness I felt earlier has now disappeared and feeling alright again.
It was shocking when there’s someone hugging me at my back tightly that almost can’t breathe and move. I tried to get away, but something came to my mind to let him be. I am supposed to impersonate as my sister.
“How did you know I am here?” Asking uneasily while his arms still on me.
“Yaya said you’re here.” The crazy guy replied, and he pulled me after to the bench.
“And then?” I wanted to know why he followed me here.
“I want to see you. “Greige said as glancing to my eyes is that making me startled and until our faces are very closer to each other. I know this will happen like we did in the hotel last time. I keep myself away from him but Greige let it getting near to me. He touched my chin so our lips get parted. It couldn't do nothing to let go, but allowed him to kiss me. Having no choice at all and still pretending as my twin. Closed my eyes and felt his lips touch mine. Our kiss is mild, but it takes longer.
When I was already in my room, yet thinking about the scene we did earlier. Honestly, his kiss had no effect on me. I didn’t feel any spark in it.
I have taken a shower and finally wear a T-shirt. Currently leaving the room, it stopped for a second when he saw me opening the door.
“Where are you going, mi cielo? “Greige asked as he see me exiting this room and he come near closer again.
“I will go to your kitchen?” As my response unsurely.
“What are you doing there in second time ?” He asked so I frowned.
“Of course, I’ll cook for our breakfast!” As showing the time in the watch I was wearing.
“All right”. He agreed then. “But I am going to watch you now.” It get me annoyed by what he said.
“What?” I asked in astonishment of expression. “I don’t want anyone spectating me doing that thing.” I complained.
“Why are you shy?” Greige asked with a foolish smile. “Don’t be ashamed, ok?”
“You may now start and I will observe.” As he said, and left for a minute. I just followed him through the kitchen.
“Yaya Celestina.” I called their head maid.
“Oh, why dear?” She asked.
“I am going to help to prepare breakfast once more.” As I explained.
“Alright. It’s your turn to cook the chicken curry. You know how to make it, don’t you?” She asked me is just to make sure that I know it already. I just nodded to her as my response.
I’m peeling the potatoes and carrots. Afterwards I washed them and started slicing. I turned my attention for something when the chair was moving, and he came back.
“You did very great, uh!" As he commented proudly when was observing me, the way it quickly cut the ingredients while putting it in the pan.
“I told you, didn’t I?” I asked to prove that I am capable to this thing.
In the middle of our conversation while cooking, his cellphone suddenly rang. He excused for a while before he went away. Afterwards, I usually stood up to my seat when Greige came back.
“Where are you going, mi cielo?” Asking seriously as he saw me leaving the kitchen.
“Well, I will go to my room. I need to take a rest first.” I replied.
“No. Just stay here!” I stunned by his solemn looking. “Kindly wait for me until done eating my meal.”
I gave him a confused look. “And why?”
“We shall have something to do.” He answered, but I didn’t get what he meant. I just kept quiet.
I am currently eating while still waiting for him to expound on what he says. It was fifteen minutes have passed when Greige already done with his meal. Exactly, I am done too. He got up and showed me the way he was referring to. After a while, he made me sit on the sofa.
“I’ll just get you there first. Never leave your seat. Is that clear?” He gave me an authoritative order.
I took Thena’s cellphone to fidget while waiting for this crazy guy. There’s something he thrown over me. It is just like a scrabble tiles. *Oh my, we will play this game?*
“What are we supposed to do with it?” I asked him and pretend that I was innocent.
“What do you think you’re doing with the scrabble board and the tiles you’re holding?” He implied sarcastically.
I frowned at what he said.
“Why are you so slow now, Thena? What’s happening to you? Smoke already covered your brain!” He smirked but it is irritating.
“We will play?” I’m referring to the scrabble board on the table and make sure that he is not joking. I am not excellent to this game actually unlike my twin. She already won that during our high school and college days.
“Obviously, Thena.” He said in an irritating voice while fixing our game. I will try my best to be look excellent to this as well. It usually known how to play the game but not seems good as my sister. I hope I can strive and make a win against him.
“Let’s play.” He declared, then we played now and I am luckily won against him.
After that, we proceed next to the computer game. It was exciting for me since I am excellent in virtual gaming. This is my thing.
When the evening came, Yaya Celeste called us to eat our dinner first afterwards we proceed now to our own room.
“Mi cielo.” He said with the endearment to my twins then I faced him.
“Hmm nothing. Just go to sleep now and we’ll need to wake up early tomorrow.”
“Why?” I asked him curiously.
“Just go to sleep.” Greige replied without telling me the reason and went away towards his room and closed the door.