Chapter 20: Doubt Part 1

I felt reluctant a little when my girlfriend called.

"Hi, Athena." I said while adjusted my position.

"Hello Greige. I'm here in our house and just arrived earlier a few hours have passed. Are you busy?" I missed her voice so much that my heart beating fast again. I just let her speak first because still speechless. "I miss you very much too."

I didn't wait even to listen what she is going to say so I hurriedly left my office and ignored the employees there with a great surprise when they saw me running.

I was so excited to see her again therefore I run into my car and drive faster until it reach their mansion. I just ran inside and didn't expect to meet Athena almost there.

"Greige!" Athena looks suprised as she saw me came. I immediately hugged her very tight.

"Take it easy Greige, I can't breathe." She complained but I didn't listen so she let go herself.

"I'm sorry, Thena. I'm just so happy because I really miss you very much." I stated with full of joy to my words.

"I missed you much too, Greige. I am glad to meet you again." I frowned a little of what she said.

However, it disappeared when she kissed me on my lips suddenly. I stunned that she could make the first move.

A few minutes our lips are parted and she invited me to eat dinner.

"I know that you are starving already so eat these." She handed me some snacks which prepared by some of their maids. I quickly ate them out of hunger.

After we ate a snack, she pulled me to her room and I have noticed her suitcases still leaning on the corner side.

"Sit down." She pointed the side of her bed.

"How was your doing in Korea?" As attempting to ask about it to Athena but she simply shook for a moment.

It's a few seconds have passed before she answered my question.

"It's fine eventhough I have been very tired." She replied as if thinking what she will say.

"Here I am upsetting me, Athena. You didn't tell me you were leaving." Pouting is that a reason she laughed at me.

"What's funny?" She stopped.

"You seemed like a child when grumble there. But don't worry at this time, it won't happened again." She promised as she came closer on mine and touch my hand. "I'm sorry if I didn't meant to say it because I won't you to worry much about me." Then, Athena have quickly pinched my cheek so I complained.

"You're cute when like this." Her smile disappeared as she spoke again seriously and she calmly keep staring into my eyes until our faces are so close.

A few moments, she have kissed me unexpectedly. I did nothing but to respond.

Our maids saw me smiling when I arrived home. They looks suprised even Yaya Celeste.

Afterwards, I went to the bedroom and finally get dressed. I lay down on bed and start myself imagining the moment we had earlier. I decided to send her a message after to invite her to have our date tomorrow.

Me: Hi good evening, mi cielo. Are you free tomorrow? (She quickly replied)

Athena: Yes, why?

Me: I just wanted to invite you for a date tomorrow.

Athena: Sure, mi cielo. (She doesn't hesistate to answer me)

Me: Alright. Please wait for me there in the morning.

I didn't hesitate for her reply and went straight to the kitchen to eat dinner. Mama and Papa are right there also eating meal. I sat opposite to my mother's seat. Then, took some rice with a dish.

Suddenly, I stopped chewing food when Papa asked me. I have stunned to their faces that currently staring to me now.

"How was your meeting with Athena yesterday, my son?" Speechless when my father stated that. I am wondering how did they know about us.

All I have thought that they are very busy for the company and they will never notice me.

"Athena's parent texted us about it." said my mother while still eating.

"Don't worry, my son. We are not mad for dating Athena but just don't forget your responsibilities as the C.O.O of our company." My father reminded me and he continued eating again same with my mother.

"We know how you love her very much and you can't hide that from us so we won't intrude your love life. We were here to support you, my son". Papa said happily that his smile appeared.

"Thank you, Mama and Papa. I really love Athena more than you thought most especially she changed already. It would be the reason why my feelings were becoming much deeper." I said it with a great smile.

Three minutes later, I have finished my dinner and went to the bedroom. I brushed the teeth and washed the face before my bedtime that I am usually do. I texted also the HR manager that I would leave for tomorrow as sending a message to her.

I startled when I looked at the wall clock and noticed that I was getting late for a date with her. So, I hurriedly went to the bathroom and prepared myself.

I have reached finally her home and surprise when I leaned on Athena's beautiful dress that really fit to her body curve. She have worn a peach dress above her knee.

As proceeding to the mall, we went to the cinemas and look for a movie to watch. It is usually a romantic movie again. I hate that genre because it is very boring and naive for me.

As we are leaning to the screen, she speak. "Hoping, we would never back anymore like we did before. I'm so happy that we are doing now this thing. A date." Athena stated but still her eyes was on the screen.

"We will never go back to the way we used too. I have changed myself already and realized that you still love me despite of being harsh and worthless boyfriend to you." I said to her the reason she lost her sight from the movie and stared at me.

Unexpectedly, it startled myself and felt embarassed when she kissed me on my lips in public. I didn't expect that we would do that in front of our fellow spectators here. I immediately apologized to them. We didn't noticed that the movie is ended already therefore everyone is going outside the theater including us. I am silently walking until we got through the place where only few people are there. I want to confront her about what happened in the theater since I really felt the embarassment. It was public display attraction and I hate that. I hate getting to much attention from many other people just like that.

I am going to talk to her but she uttered frustratedly.

"Why did you say sorry to them, uh? There's nothing wrong about it, right. It's just a kiss..." I cut her off to explain my side.

"It is wrong, Athena. I hate being got attention by everybody there." I exclaimed.

"No. It's not our fault, Greige. It's natural for us a couple doing that. What they care?" Athena said in her disgusted tone of voice.

"Did you know what PDA is?" I tried to ask her about it to clarify if she really know about the incident happened.

She didn't answer and left me here instead. I run a little just to chase her. I don't want to be ended like this. It's just a misinderstanding and we need to fix this now. I really love Athena. I don't want to lose her.

"Thena." She turned around to me. "I am sorry." Finally I hugged her so tight same with her.

"You accept my apology now?" I asked then she nodded and smiled to me.

A few moments, I stopped walking when Athena invited me to go shopping.

"I missed this as if I haven't done in a long time ." She said happily but I looked to her with astonishment.

I thought she didn't want to go shopping anymore or else if she has to buy something important. I remembered what she said to me earlier that this is just wasting of money to buy expensive and unessential things.

"All I know you hate now to go shopping and to buy unnecessary stuffs because you still have it, haven't you?" Her face is covered an astonishment same as mine. She leaned her eyes somewhere in a moment then answered.

"Didn't I tell you earlier that haven't done this for a long time? So I am here to grab the chance to buy something I want." She explained but still my confused mind is under curiousity which formed some many questions until we got already in botique.