Disapproving Ploy

"What is everyone doing?" the owner of the blood-curling voice came forward. The man has a rigid expression, his vigilant russet eyes validating his surroundings. He has short brown hair, pinned at one side and left loose on the other side. A handsome face with sharp features. He is wearing a three-piece white uniform. The knee-length coat, had muted silver designings over it. The uniform fit perfectly over his well-built body, outlining some toned muscles. Having admired his appearance, I glimpse at the sword he is carrying. I look at the sword and the next thing I know--I couldn't move my eyes away.

The titian scabbard of the Sword was embellished with auric designs, among the carvings there were striking amber symbols appearing near the flattened side, far to the cutting edge of sword. The helve having a refined insignia of the Ferdinand ducal house. It is one of the six swords that were meant for particular persona. But is it really worth the emphasis or just an exhibit? Fighting with that is the only way to confirm it.

A minor nudge from Aunt bought me back from endorsing myself into the Sword to the man standing feets apart, opposite to us.

The man gave a light bow "I am Raizel Barracks, the captain of the Ferdinand Knights" he says, stately "Pleased to make your acquaintance" he is the leader of the Knights I see, his formidable ambience said so.

His appearance and his name feels somewhat familiar. I wonder, do I know him?

Oh yes! I need to focus on present, I shake away my thoughts as I prepare myself for introduction.

"Baroness Clara Yorkiel" Aunt replies with a nod "Your feelings are mutual here"

"Edgar Radford, a knight candidate" I say as I bow, if I have to be a knight here, I'll need to be on good terms with the head "Please take care of me"

"Edgar huh" he responds, reviewing me "are you waiting for your evaluation?"

I open my mouth to reply "I sur-" when I abruptly stop as Raizel walks past me. Did he just walk past me? After he, himself asked me a question? Isn't that highly rude? I hurl backwards, Why that son o-, I stop as I look at the two eminent figures with a crowd of maids following from behind. That's the Duke and the other man is undoubtedly Sebastien. Raizel stops in front of them. They continue to communicate with some recurring nods. The conditions to stay in this ducal estate must be- being a handsome and a jerk!

"You need to finish this perfectly" Aunt responds severely "Mistakes are not allowed here"

"Indubitably" I affirm

Clack and clatter sounds grow. I turn to the sounds "Oh, how pleasant" Allen speaks, smiling nonchalantly "Greetings Baroness Yorkiel"

"Good Afternoon, noble Duke" Aunt replies with a curtsy "I'm Baroness Clara Yorkiel, a pleasure to meet you"

"How impolite of me" Duke Allen says

'For not introducing yourself? You wanted Baroness Clara Yorkiel to bow first, because a higher noble never bows first'

I wish to ask this to Allen.

"I'm Duke Allen Ferdinand, pardon me for being late" he turns to the weaponries "Then, let us finish our business here and get going" he says, a mischievous smile decorating his face "After all, women are not fond of such surroundings....... But then again, there are certain exemptions, aren't I correct, Baroness Yorkiel?" his voice is as low as a whisper, hinting to Aunt or actually me?? Was it really alright to have a deal with him? He, who is not letting go of any opportunity to remind me I'm a female, can he really secure my 'guise'?

Bothered, I look away

from him, recognizing Sebastien who was giving some orders to the group of maids following them. After some furious nodding, the maids rush away to a screened area in the ground. Some footmen rushed there with their hands full with objects, I'm not sure what it is. Not my business though.

I turn away when I hear "A firm, secure view is the basics of a chevalier" Allen commands, still smiling "likewise, the new disciple here, will choose one of the men to spar with"

Yes, I agree I was at fault here, I was swayed and looked elsewhere and Allen has a great achievement for that, though he was discreet, I'm sure Aunt is gonna start with her speech once we are alone.

"Choose anyone you wish to spar with" Allen's words echo in my mind. I was really waiting for this!! I wonder if my eyes are gleaming with excitement now? Because I'm going to pick that person!

"T-then" I say, attempting to hide my fanatical state "Him" I point to Raizel, yes, Raizel....... I want to see that sword in action. I look at Allen, Sebastián and Raizel...... Somehow, everyone looks astonished, their gazes fixed on me..... Ummm choosing their leader is a bad idea enough, but I want to try it. Not like I challenged the 'Meilleur Swordsman'; that's the name given to the number one swordsman of the Fainèant Empire, rumours has it that he is unbeatable and the best, henceforth, the name. If my memory serves me right, his name was ...... something...... R? Ra..... Raizel? Hmm I guess.

Wait..... wait a bloody second, Raizel?? This man?? This captain of the Ferdinand knights? Come to think of it, that man was a knight..... I'm so flustered, yet I try to maintain a composed front. I glance at Aunt, who is holding the most queer expression right now, and I know why everyone was staring at me with muddled eyes. Arrggghhh I have done it. I was ahead of myself and challenged the 'Meilleur Swordsman'. I heedlessly made a fool out of myself!! How mortifying! This is freaking mortifying!! I just want to hide in a hole and forever escape their eyes! Amidst my internal conflict, I know I have to clear out this awkward situation. Should I apologize for being an idiot? Or fake innocence? I'm not an official knight, yet I'm being such a bumbler.

"Pfft" a muffled laughter came from Allen, I jerk my head at him, ready to haul at him. 'You stupid creature!? I'm trying my best to calm down after creating such humiliating mess, will it hurt to be a bit generous? Can you NOT laugh??' I want to yell these phrases to him, but let me be real here because I know I can't.

"Since the new rookie here wants to expand his horizon" Allen speaks, breaking the silence "let him spar with David."

That's thoughtful of him, but who is David? I follow Allen's gaze, which is resting on the sweaty Knights. There were three new figures, standing superior to the other Knights. I didn't see them before. One of them was wearing the same uniform as Raizel, must be second to the leader, the other two were in their plainly training clothes, their looks decent, rather they are better than average... perhaps?. That man, the one wearing a uniform, must be a commander, since he has the same sword as Raizel.

I notice Raizel take a step forward and the next moment, he stopped.

"I may voice my opinion over it" Raizel says, his gaze sprinting to the Knights and then to Allen "David is a rather tough knight, he has years of training as well as experience. The man here" he continues, this time, he looks at me "is rather we-amateur" Weak? He was about to say that. He was about to call me weak. Sure, I'm an amateur, I'm unexperienced....yet I am trained.

"Hmm" Allen goes, determining Raizel's words "He will pull through" he continues, pointing to me, a tone brimming with confidence. Wow, he believes me. I'll give Allen one point for that, and that means reducing one from that offensive creature, that means the offensive leader.

One of the Knights came forward, who was standing beside the commander. "I do not really care as long as I get to battle new people" says the one, wearing his training clothes having an average appearance.

"Certainly, David" Allen speaks "Now, with no further ado, let us witness the match" he exclaims.

"Please follow me to the seats" Sebastian urges.

David is not the commander? He is among the other Knights? So I have to fight him, truth be told, but I was subtly hoping to spar someone well-trained. Well, I'm a rookie and indubitably, I will spar with a lesser trained knight. I can't believe I was being such a child, choosing Raizel as my partner.

"Use wooden swords" Allen orders."W-what?" the Knights say in unison. I don't know why they are being annoying because a wooden sword is common in such a match. Despite the protests from the Knights, somehow, Raizel remains quiet, with a poker face. He should be knowing the Duke. And he may understand Allen's eccentric behavior.

That's when I remember, the new collection of weaponry can only be obtained by the powerful nobles, and by that I mean, the flithy rich ones, Dukesʼ. There have been some modifications to the common, old wooden swords and the merchandise is limited to the upper-class. Probably, the Knights are against letting a commoner, like me, try the latest swords.

"Do you need armor? Since we are using wooden swords" Allen questions both me and David. Really? Are you really serious right now? I mean, I have no objection against using safe weaponry, but an armor in this state is a flat 'No'. Those metal coverings are physically made for men, with their measurements in mind. Me, as a female can not use them. For, however flat I may be, I'm biologically a female. And having bandages around my chest is a big disadvantage in itself and if I wear an armor, then I may die for lack of oxygen way before the match starts. "I politely refuse" I answer smiling, I feel as if Allen did it on purpose, he knows I'm a female and knows I'll refuse. I hope David doesn't say 'Yes'. I look at David, who wavers with my answer. I look at him with vulnerable eyes, hoping that it works.

"Haha! It will be unpleasant of me to use an armor when the rookie denies it" David exclaims

An Angel! David truly is a honest knight, just that he is a bit too loud. I really look forward to the fight. "Alright, now take your position. The sun will set soon. Gather your weapon and show us what you got, Edgar!" Raizel commands.

"Can not agree more" David comments, half-yelling half-speaking.

"We may go as well" Sebastian requests, reminding about the seats. The servants turned the barren seats to some lavish tavern. The Duke and the others make their way towards it.

"Don't disappoint me, Ed~gar" Allen hisses near my ears in a flirty manner. That bastard!! I fling away from him. To provide drama to the onlookers, I promptly bow down and start apologizing. Despite Allen being a complete jerk and being 100% responsible for my behavior, I have to apologize since I have a lower rank than a Duke. If there were no onlookers, I may even kill him, if that is possible.

To others', it may look as- the Duke Allen, making his way to the seats, gives some encouragement to the rookie, while he stands back-facing the Knights, they are opposite to each other. Allen keeps his hand on Edgar's shoulder, giving a light pat and says some words of encouragement. But the insolent Edgar flings away from the esteemed Duke. So certainly, I'm supposed to apologize for lack of respect to Duke.

That's what people see, what they are missing is -- This! The so called Noble Duke is a mask and beneath is the real devil hiding.

"Pardon me-" I begin, resentful at him for making me go through such ordeal. "Now, now" Allen says, having a smug look "Time is precious" he starts moving to the seats, I stand up straight when I hear, a whisper "boring". Did he call me boring? How? Actually, whatever it is, it's better to pretend being naive rather than getting tangled in his ploy.

Sebastian and the Baroness follows behind Allen. The flirtatious smile alters to show an agitated Allen, whilst the corners of his mouth go straight.

Ah, such euphoric! Seeing Allen upset is a cause of celebration and to think I made him upset.... I love it. I may celebrate it afterwards. For now,

I get back to my senses, I need to focus on match. Alright! I take a deep breath and exhale. Time to ignite the fire in your heart.

I take out the gloves, covering my wrist. A blistered wrist, with unhealed cuts and numerous scratches. Uh, good thing I used almond oil yesterday, my wrists aren't killing me and they are softer now, despite the unruly texture. Aunt has trained me this much, but she was against my idea of sword fighting. She wanted me to be a normal girl, it was me who choose the hard way, though I'm proud of it. As much as I practice, she makes sure to supply me with all feminine needs. She always says I need to think about my future--as a dignified lady with a secure future and away from the life-threatening ways. Though I can't imagine the latter, I still do everything Aunt asks me to do. And precisely why, I have to rub my hands with olive oil and sugar, today before sleeping, to make my hands a bit softer rather than having them rough. I have a bandage wrapped around my wrists for better grip. Since, I applied almond oil just yesterday, there are chances of my wrists being slippery.

David and me, both of us take a plain sword, provided by some Knights. I do not take 'Regina' nor does David take his custom sword. We get into our stances. Ready for the battle.

"Begin" I hear shouts. And the next thing is- the battle has started.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey!! How are you guys? As per schedule, I completed the chapter.

Will this chapter meet your expectations? I actually planned to put the fight in this chapter and also some other stuff.

Do look forward to it, do share, comment and don't forget to vote ^~^

Till then, May I bid you farewell!