The Match


I examine the wooden sword the footmen gave me. It is sturdy, sturdier than all the wooden swords I held and it is sharp. The edge is pointy enough to give a cut to the owner, if handled carelessly. The Sword is merely disguised as a wooden one, while it has the same mannerism as a real metallic sword. No question why, the Knights were protesting and why Duke asked for Armor.

Focusing on the match, I quickly run a scan over the person, standing opposite of me. His height looks the same as me, 5'11, though I'm 5'10, my heeled shoes make me look like 5'11. Next, I look at the prominent lines, sketching his well- defined built. He has a very good physique, his muscles are popping up unnecessarily. A match of strength with him is complete foolishness. Though I hate to admit it, but I won't stand a chance.

Now, it has been bugging me from before, is he left-handed or right-handed? Before, when the knight offered him the sword, he took it with his left, and now, he is holding his sword in his right, protecting his right side. Sure it is normal, to take your sword with one hand and hold it in another, but what if it is a decoy?

In a sword fighting, a perfect stance is important and so is the guarding positions. In fact, stances and guards are the basic foundation for sword fighting. The offensive and defensive postures and ready positions for delivering every kind of blow, is the heart of any form of sword fighting like, fencing or be it theatrical sword fighting or even kendo, that is a Japanese duel, is what I heard.

Though my thoughts are turning into a lecture, I still can't help but think about David's position. He has a sword in his right, so if he really has left-handedness, it'll be a handicap to him. Because, in fights, it's important on which side you put more force or lesser.

So I really don't know, if he's underestimating me or what? I'm sure the following match will show it.

He is 'on guard'- a basic stance for protecting your upper-right side, the 3rd position. If we go by what we are taught, he'll attack my upper- left, or catch me off guard by attacking my upper-right. I give off an involuntary half-smile. This will be fun. I hold my sword in position 4, which will be protecting my upper-left. He wouldn't attack my right.... I have a strong feeling, though I don't understand why? He'll most probably attack my-

I was cut off by the firm "Start", the match starts. Let's not think unnecessarily, let's focus.



"Start" I give a firm command. Since this is not an official match, I won't be using a gun for giving signals. It may be under direct supervision of Duke, but it's still not official. I convince myself by such excuses.

The match started while both the opponents are in their positions. David is in position 3, and the newbie is in position 4. But, I thought David will use position 4, he has a very capable left hand.

Is it a handicap? After all, he is going after a newbie. Usually, he is not that kind of a person, to go easy on his opponents. Even the Duke did not give him any orders. Perhaps... He has a trick up his sleeve. Let's see what he'll do.

David springs from his position and bravely goes for a straightforward strike. The newbie or if my memory serves me right, his name is... Edgar; he is fixating his strength in his left, aiming to counterstrike David's full-on attack. The clang of swords is seconds apart as both of them get ready to strike. The newbie, no, Edgar... He has a determined look, not bad, but I really ponder how he'll be able to take on David's strike, the one with inhuman strength. The third rule of fighting-- "Never take on a direct hit from your enemy, always redirect it". That rule is really important when fighting an opponent like David.

They are just centimeters apart until their swords will clash. My foreseen gaze follow the two swords, when one of those dissappear, before I can hear the 'cling clang'. I squint my gaze to see clearly what happened-- David's sword disappeared, meaning- he ducked? Right before their clash, David ducked!!

He ducked, Edgar is left perplexed, taking account of the quick performance. But.... He doesn't have much time, since, David ducked and while twirling around, he quickly exchange his sword from his right to left. David is getting ready to attack, he is holding his sword in his left whilst crouching down, he will most likely aim for Edgar's right leg. He has the least focus in his right, after all.

By now, all the onlooking Knight were bursting with thrill. Cheers and shouts always followed this crowd, but now, they were holding their breathing. Since, I ordered 'sound silence' from them, even though I believed that was impossible, they are doing better.

David whirled his sword aiming for Edgar's lower- right. Edgar barely dodged the swing, his face completely tensed, with the unexpected, hasty moves. He hurriedly jump backward, avoiding the touch from the sword. That was expected. He moved back in a straight line. Rule one-- 'never move back in a straight line, always move to the sides', this rule is important. Even if he moved backwards, David will just strike, while moving forward, the Sword is lengthy enough to cover the distance between the two.

Edgar, who just jumped backwards, is now trying to steady his steps. Which I don't think will be easy, since he is wearing heeled shoes. Those shoes are not a good choice for balancing and standing steadily will be a problem. Will he lose so soon? Or will he do something even more surprising? That's a 70-30%.

David is completely hindering Edgar's movements. He must be feeling utterly defeated, Anyway..... If he wants to blame someone, blame Allen, Allen was the one who made Edgar fight the commander; there is no way Edgar can win this fight, the difference in skills is implorable. I sigh, checking the obvious facts.

"Oh" "ho" the Knights utterance made me focus on the ongoing match.

Despite being unstable, Edgar, while standing on his heels, gives a swing at David, who moves back to avoid the attack, though he's still crouching. While David is busy avoiding the swing and focusing on his momentum, Edgar stretched up his arms and with force, he thrust himself up in the air. He flipped himself into the air! Every spectator is astonished, their eyes, ready to pop out, witnessing the fascinating motion. Shouts of admiration came from all around me.

"What?" is the only word that comes out of my mouth. 'What is he doing?' my brain only repeated one sentence. Edgar jumped over David, who is crouching down and now lands at some distance between them. He turned back to face David, his bangs were shadowing his face, his eyes weren't properly visible. His lips were like a straight line, without any expression.

After seconds of silence, he moved his hand in between his triple-bangs. His straight line lips were turning into a smirk. 'Handsome' I must say, he really is a pretty face. When I first saw him, I really thought he was a girl. But if he is able to fight David, there is no way he is.

"That was impressive!" he says clapping, his eyes full with praise "You know, this coat is a hindrance" he continues loosening the buttons of his tailcoat.

What is he doing? Is he making this match a stripping show? I puzzle myself with questions while Edgar continue removing his coat. "Now Sir, show me what you have got" he grins, his polite eyes quickly changing to a haughty one.

What a snotty brat! For a knight, and that too an amateur, he's too conceited. Being all high and mighty, acting oblivious to the fact that he was just about to lose. No wonder Allen liked Edgar's presence, maybe it suits him. Edgar, being such a haughty one, is the knight of the highly egotistical Duke. But Allen does have all the reason to be arrogant. Whatever the reason is, I feel my blood boiling whenever I remember Allen. It's a mystery for me as to why, his butler remains placid at the most ludicrous orders of Allen.

"Such a waste of beauty"

"true, I would kill to talk to such a beautiful lady"

"damn! why is he a man?"

"this is just unfair"

I hear whispers behind me. I can feel my eyebrows twitching in inequity, and my head aching at their senseless comments. I turn back to face the Knights, who were showing remorse at the male beauty being a male.

"You fools!" I thunder at them. I did raise my voice, but not so much as to disturb the occupants of the fight.

"Your practice was interrupted, you all must be upset about it. Why don't I give you all a disciplinary training session myself?" I command them with my full-toned deep voice causing their faces to appear dejected.

"Now shut up and enjoy the match" I say, turning back from them "And be prepared for tomorrow" let me remind them so, or else they will start with their talks. I take a clearer view of those two, David stood up and Edgar successfully removed his coat, a footman standing meters away from the match, comes forward to take away the coat.

"Meilleur Captain" a casual and informal voice, that's Dan, I take a correct guess.

"As cold as ever" he sighs, glancing at the dejected Knights "look at them, they just had their spirits crushed" he says with fake pity in his eyes "My heart b-"

"It's alright" I cut Dan's sentence, or else he will surely ask to lessen their punishment "you will join them too, assemble them at the rise of dawn"

"W-w-wait Captain" he whimpers, performing an unknown ritual with his hands "What did I do?" he pleads

"Nothing, you can just give them support" I say, without glancing at him. Really, he doesn't need the punishment, but I need someone to assemble the Knights. It's too much work to do, I resolve as I roll my eyes.

"Look, he removed his coat"

"He's flatter than a board"

"Sheesh! What a disappointment"

"It's not like you were hoping for a bulge over there"

"Well I was"

"You need therapy together with Captain's training".

I overlooked their rubbish murmuring but this seems endless... I give them a deadly glare from my sideways and they start acting like frightened hens.

I annoyingly turn away from them and glance at David.

The two of them straighten themselves and prepare for the finale. David strikes first, with repetitive rapid thrust. He gives Edgar no time to attack, all Edgar does is, dodging his attacks. David aims at Edgar's right, left, center yet Edgar dodges them skillfully, as if in a rhythm. His moves are sharp and precise, a meticulous skill, which took years to hone.

"The commander has an upper-hand in this fight" "There's no doubt who will win this" "The newbie did well till now"

The Knights continue with their assumptions, yet I know they are wrong. Edgar may be cornered but he is aware of what to do next. And more importantly, his smile, the shrewd smile. Allen's prevalent smile, before things go south for everyone except him. I have seen that expression many times, and every time the owner of that expression has a wider view than others. Likewise, even now, I don't know what Edgar is planning, but it can turn tables.

Both of them exchange some blows for some time now. The Match has been ongoing for quite some time and it may end sooner.

David and Edgar are now opposite and facing each other. This time Edgar goes for a straight line strike at David. David braces himself to counterattack. Inches away from David, and Edgar ducked. Without giving time to David for figuring out the situation, he ducked and his body whirled around David, in a 180° turn. He swiftly gets upright in position, facing David's back now. With no time lost, Edgar hastily aims his sword at David's neck.
