
{A night prior to the 'Afternoon-tea-incident'—– five days in the past}

Allen thumped down on the remote ridge at the detached training area. He carefully placed two stubby bottles of wine beside himself before proceeding to gaze at the sparkle of the midnight sky. A nearby sigh caught his attention as he side-glanced his company.

Raizel stared at him with arched brows, questioning his late arrival. Allen shrugged before he threw one of the wine bottle at Raizel, knowing he will catch it without fail.

Both of them wore a pair of casual shirt and trousers. Both had their metallic custom swords beside themselves and were taking a break after an exhausting practice match before retiring to their respective baths.

"Are you trying to turn me into a drunkard?" Raizel grumbled dready.

"It's a weak beer" Allen retorted before tossing open the cap and taking a shot from the bottle.

"Your immunity is strong" Raizel shot back as he repeated the same actions as Allen.

After taking a gulp, he felt a trifling taste of alcohol. He tilted his bottle to a level and read the label to know the name of such weak beer. “Mixed cocktail”– it read. He squinted his eyes on Allen, he realized this drink was individually and exclusively made for Allen to reduce the amount of intoxicating chemicals in his body. For Raizel, it was definitely bland yet without grumbling, he continued drinking.

Only Sebastian knew the actual contents of the drink. Only he knew it was actually an energy drink with a fixed quantity of Apple juice added to it to give rise to a rustic flavor, which would often get mistaken as 'alcohol'.

"You were so sloppy today" Allen broke the silence between them as both gulped the liquid. "If you slack around, I'll have to give your title to...." Allen trailed off, not remembering the name of the present Vice-Captain.

"Daniel" Raizel said, informing Allen.

"Yeah, him" Allen quickly brushed past his mistake. Though he knew the gap between the skills of Raizel and any other person was like the sky and the seas.

"Somethingʼs are bothering me" Raizel answered Allen's remarks. "The blue-blood deaths— the culp-" Allen cut off his sentence before he could finish it.

"It shouldn't be too long. We got a hold of the mastermind. If only I find the intervening party...." Allen furrowed.

"They may already have all the supplies and it's already been months till we dragged this" Raizel retorted in response to him.

"Hmm.... I'm guessing I'm their next target..." Allen mumbled with his distant eyes staring at the midnight sky.

Raizel didn't respond, instead he was gawking in puzzlement at Allen for the revelation.

"A hunch" Allen shrugged, not bothering to spare a look at Raizel. He didn't inform anyone about the assassination attempt in the morning. These weren't uncommon for him but he knew, Raizel may look apathetic and cold, yet he'll strain the security of this estate at knowing Allen's adventure in the morning. He bit his lower lip as he remembered about the frail figure running away from him after failing their tasks. Was it a boy or a lady? He thought.

"Mom asked me to attend a “social”" Raizel sighed, talking about the main reason for his sluggishness today.

"Am I included?" came Allen reply as fast as a flash. Apparently, nervousness was beginning to get to him.

"No....." Raizel said, recollecting his memories and before he could say anything—

"Then, Good luck with it!" Allen cheered, his face lit with actual happiness.

Raizel was cross at this, he said bitterly "Well Thank you. Though, just to inform you- Mom needs you to escort her that day"

"Aarrgh!" Allen groaned, which made Raizel smirk with satisfaction.

"It is months later" Raizel informed Allen, who winced with his sentence. Allen thought he could reject the offer reasoning he had a lot of stuff going on like the blue-blood deaths and complications with him, but everything got crushed when Raizel said it was months later, when he will be free.

Since the season just started in the summer, it would only increase his schedule from now on. With the many social events, exquisite balls and whatnot. The season will end with many new wedding invitations for Allen.

'I really hope Raizel finds a great lady, so that Viscountess Hercella would cease her never-ending matchmaking and introduce unknown ladies to me' he thought hopefully.

"We should leave before Sebastian comes here" he said.

"Yah, Sure" Raizel replied, gulping the last drop of the cocktail. He smirked as he thought about his next line "it would be bad if he were to be here" he was ready to say his sentence, but the next moment his sentence actually became reality.

When a loud voice came forward "What is going on?" a man asked as he stepped forward, a frown forming on his wrinkled face.

"Here we go again..." Raizel grumbled before rolling his eyes. This was followed by a sigh from Allen. And then, began the lecture from Sebastian which both of them dreaded.


{Present—– Mireille}

I stabbed a meatball with my fork and cut it into two equal parts. Usually, I would have an ego trip and puffed my face with pride at this simple task, but not now, I just exhale a sigh as I looked at my almost-full meal plate.

Memories of yesterday flood through me and specially, his words are ringing in my ears.

“This is the real aristocracy, the real world you wanted to see. Here, you'll find nothing but deaths, murders, lies, Deception, and every crime you hate. If you want to get out from the protective vicinity provided by your Aunt, if you want to change yourself, if you want to validate your identity, if you want to secure your future, if you want justice...”

Hah.... I sigh yet again. How dare he look down on me?? I thought once before but I pushed the thought away because I knew he was looking down on me due to my inability to grasp my situation and how oblivious and carefree I lived.

“A shell provided by aunt”— I can see why he got so angry. I acted like a know-it-all, when in reality I was a delusional idiot. Come to think of it, how did Duke know I call Baroness as aunt?..... Aunt.... I trail off in my memory...

{Years ago}

« "Remember the promise Mireille. You can never go back on your words" aunt Clara reminded me again "Ugh! Why do you demand such outrageous things?" She grumbled, annoyed at my request to explore the Aristocracy with a male identity.

"I want revenge for the Martins" I mumbled lowly, knowing very well aunt has every right to get angry.

"Hah! Revenge?" she continued yelling, massaging her forehead in between. Her tone wasn't mocking one but a worried one. "I don't know what to d-"

"THEY WERE MY FAMILY!" I roared, trying my best not to shed the tears in my eyes.

"Mill Dear..." aunt Clara softened up her eyes, looking at me with empathy.

"I know they are not my family. I know they are not my blood-relatives but.... But...." my tears blurred my sight and soon found their way down my cheeks "... I can't possibly forget those welcoming hugs, my valuable playtime with Dorothy, the different strategies I discussed with Father and... And the soft, loving smile and embraces from Mother..." my voice croaked while flashes of Mother's death passed my eyes. It was a dreadful sight. Even more dreadful for a ten year old.

"Stop crying..." aunt Clara sighed, forming a composed look. She looked directly into my eyes "Look at me Mill" she ordered and I followed her without a word, I wiped my tears and ceased my crying.

"If you cannot find any lead in three months, come back to Asrak" She said with fully determined eyes "no matter what" she stressed at every word.

"Eight" I bargained. Three were too short for me to find anything.

"Make it four" she replied, not in the mood to compromise.

"Six" I pleaded and finally got a nod from her.

"If you don't come, I won't hesitate to drag you here by any means possible" she confirmed.

"But what if I-" my next words were cut when she placed her slender finger on my lips.

"No buts, ands or ifs" »

I sigh again, it's already been one month and I haven't even stepped a foot in any aristocratic event. How am I supposed to dig up any information while being so useless....

I recollect my yesterday memories, after Duke gave a good scolding to me, 5'4 midget explained that he doesn't really know the origins or any important facts about the poisonous flower. I got to know about the blue-blood deaths too, the culprit for the attempted-murder and the repeated deaths is the same. It seems, the poison was illegally traded in the black market and those thirsty for revenge on nobles got their way. Since the plant is fragnant, the addition of this poison to any tea is easy. It won't be suspected the least.

Such vulgur fliths... A look of grimace graced my face. Immoral despicable repulsive sickening pungent flithy bastards, I thought of every vile word I knew but still my hatred for such atrocious acts did not cease. Duke Allen's words again ringed in my head.

«I tried battling with my thoughts, when I saw a fidgety shadow trying to get away from a secluded area»
