The Secrets

After reading that woman's mind, I remembered why I had run away from this ability. Reading people's minds scares me, and people's evil thoughts are horrifying.

That doctor also had terrible thoughts and memories about Maggie. I would have liked to arrive home sooner and tell Maggie what I saw.

After a long time, I took the subway; I remember the day I saw Jules. Today, when I saw Jules, there was no news of that weak girl.

I did not want to enter her mind. I did not want to know what was going on in her mind. She knew me, and now I really did not want to think about her.

I entered the apartment. I called Maggie. Maggie always sat by the window, but she was not there.

I looked for her all over the house. She was nowhere. When I wanted to leave the house, I clearly told her that she to wait for me at home.

I sat in the middle of the house on the floor and looked around desperately. I cried like a child who has lost his friends.

My sobs rose. I was under a lot of stress these days; I was afraid Maggie had left me. I remembered talking to her angrily last night.

- "Aiden! Aiden!? Why are you crying?"

It was Maggie; she had not left here. I jumped up. I said, "Where did you go? Didn't I tell you to stay here?"

- "You were crying for me? I did not think you could cry either! I thought you hated crying! I thought you were a very, very insensitive person."

- "Where did you go?"

- "I heard my mother's voice and remembered where our house was. I spent the whole day, when you were not home, looking at my mother. A few minutes ago, the sob of your crying brought me back here."

Maggie was right. I hated crying, but now I was in tears and despair. I should have apologized to Maggie for my bad behavior with her last night.

- "Maggie, I apologize to you for my behavior last night. I treated you very harshly. I'm really stressed."

- "Does being able to see wandering spirits bother you?"

What should I say in response? Should I tell her my secrets? I wanted to talk to someone about my problems and relax a little mentally.

Maggie was one of the only people I had ever seen more of than anyone else over the years, and I was thrilled to have her in those few days.

It felt good to have someone by my side and to know that someone was waiting for me at home.

I have never experienced this feeling like this. I wish I could make friends with her while she had alive.

One of the main characteristics of human beings is this regret. I looked at Maggie and said, "Maggie, I have secrets."

- "We all have secrets. Would you like to talk to me? I'm dead, and I'll disappear completely from the earth soon, so you should not be afraid of telling your secrets to me. Maybe you may feel a little better by telling your secrets to me. I feel like you get angry and upset very quickly, and you are a very sensitive person."

Maggie was right. Though Maggie was a ghost, it was still hard for me to talk to her about reading people's minds.

"I've been able to read people's minds since I was a very child. I've read your mind and your mother's many times too," I told Maggie.

- "Are you right? Can you read people's minds?" Maggie said in surprise.

- "Yes, I could. I haven't been able to do this easily for years now."

-" Why?"

- "I was able to read people's minds by looking at their faces. But I've been suffering from a rare disease called Agnosia for several years. Agnosia makes it difficult for me to recognize people's faces."

- "You mean you can't see me now?"

- "I can recognize you."

- "You can no longer read people's minds? Were you see ghosts since childhood?"

- "With a little effort, I can get into people's minds. It's rare for me to see ghosts."

Maggie was silent for a moment and then said with a smile, "You must have been so lonely because of this. I'm sorry I misjudged you. I always wanted to be friends with you and tell you how much I love your radio shows. But you were always away from everyone. I'm sure one day you will be able to see everyone's faces again and make good friends. Thank you for helping me."

Maggie wanted to be friends with me, and I never paid attention to her. It was hard for me to tell her about Jonathan and that woman. But I have to tell her everything I had seen so that she could go to the afterlife with ease.

I gathered all my resolve and said, "I penetrated your mother's mind when I wanted to find Jonathan's address. In your mother's mind, I saw someone I had known for years. Jules Black. I realized that Jules is your mother's psychiatrist. Today, when I went to the hospital to find Jules, I met a woman named Elika. Do you know her?"

- "Elika? She is a perfect friend of mine. Why did I not remember her until you mentioned her name? Something happened to Elika?"

- "Elika and Jonathan were betraying you. You knew that too."

Maggie approached me. She tried to hold my hands with her cold hands.

I could easily recognize her grief; "Betrayal?! It is impossible. Elika was like my sister. Although she was a doctor and I was a nurse, she was with me from the first moment I started working. She really loved me."

- "Maggie, you better believe me. You witnessed Jonathan's betrayal. But their betrayal was not the main subject ."

- "Do we have worse than betrayal? Did I know this? So why I can't remember this?"

I could not say more than that. I was afraid Maggie would not control herself, and her feelings of anger would darken her soul.

I said, "What I saw was so bad that it could turn you into an avenger ghost. You should know that you do not have much time, and you should go to the afterlife."

- "I know this well, Aiden. Please tell me what you saw? Do we have worse than betrayal?"

- "Yes, we have!"

- "What? Please tell me, Aiden."

- "Murder!"