To start anew

When I buried my past in Essex and came to New York, my dream was to become a great radio director. After a few years, I became one of the best programmers and radio presenters. My bass and charming voice made me one of the most recognizable radio characters.

On every Tuesday night, a program called "Ask Aiden" was aired on the radio. People shared their questions and concerns with the host, and the host was no one but me. During the five years that the show aired on the radio, it was one of the three most listened to American shows, and everyone recognized me by my voice.

But when strange creatures and events surrounded me again, I decided to hide. I gave up my love, which was my job, to keep calm.

Now that I have decided to make a podcast again, even if I act anonymously and do not put my name on it, many will surely recognize me by my voice.

I was sitting behind my microphone, staring at the egg-shaped soundproofs all around my room. This room was my tiny studio, where I recorded extensive programs. I bought this house because it was very soundproof and I designed this room for sound recording.

I looked at the text in my hand and said, "Hello, I'm Aiden Adkins, and you're listening to 'Ask Aiden ...'

I stopped talking. I said that sentence unconsciously. Maybe it was out of nostalgia. The theme of the program I wanted to create was similar to "Ask Aiden."

I read the text, every word I read as if fresh blood was being pumped in my veins. Maybe being away from the job I loved so much was made me so dull. I really liked the radio because I didn't have to see anyone's face. My audience was all voices that had no face, and I did not have to read their minds. I like sounds very much.

In "Ask Aiden," I did not have to read anyone's mind; my audience themselves were revealing the secrets of their minds to me.

I explained in the first episode that faces are not that important, and we are just different waves of sounds in this program. I introduced myself as "the voice man" on this show and asked people to email me and write or talk to me about their life stories. I knew the channel I launched might take months or years to become famous, But I was not looking for fame. I wanted to revive "Ask Aiden" again; maybe I would restore myself a little.

I decided to tell myself about the people around me as long as people send me their voices or text, and of course, to publish my podcast on a free podcast platform too.

As the first subject, I remembered the salesman of that audio and video shop who recognized me by my voice. Although I did not want to be connected to my past, I felt terrible about myself whenever I thought of that man. I was distraught that I had ignored him. So I decided to go to him again.

It was afternoon when I left my studio. I was overwhelmed with my work and did not notice the passage of time. I had to hand over a painting to the gallery owner. I was agitated that he had made Hans find me, But I really did not want to disconnect from him because I did not have the patience to get used to new people.

I decided to go there by subway. I rarely take the subway or go to crowded places. But I wanted to find new subjects for my podcast. So I took the subway and promised myself that I would not follow anyone even if someone tried to throw himself on top of the Freedom Tower. I got into the subway car. With Agnosia, I could remove all the faces and all the sounds around me. But from the day I found Jules again and met Maggie, I realized I could control Agnosia. I was not very good yet, but I could get into people's minds quickly and focused. Of course, now that Hans could come to me anywhere and anytime to rob me of my power, I had to concentrate more.

I remembered last night that unfamiliar voice was the voice of a girl who claimed that I had helped her and her aunt, so she saved me and said that my house was safe from all extraterrestrial powers.

I have an excellent memory. Especially for sounds; The sound was so familiar that I could swear I had heard it many times. All these thoughts and fears about Hans' existence made it impossible for me to enter anyone's mind. I got to the station I wanted and got off.

The gallery owner was clear that he regretted it. He brought me coffee. His mind was filled with fear of losing my cooperation.

- "Dear Aiden, I've been a fan of you for many years, When you first brought me one of your paintings for sale, I knew you by your name and your sound, and it was an honor for me, but I did not work with you because of your name and voice, your paintings are one of the best-selling works I have traded in all these years, I have made a lot of money from your paintings, I really I did not mean to tell your name to anyone, the day that man came here and saw your painting, he said he wanted to meet you, but I swear I never confirmed that the painter is Aiden Adkins. "

I am thrilled that I can easily distinguish between the truth and falsehood of the other side. As painful as it is, it makes the work of the edema easier. The owner of the gallery may have been a greedy man, but he was not a liar.

I got up and said, as always, "Please deposit the salary of this painting into my account."

- "You mean you still work with me?"

- "Please send me the subject of the painting that your customer has ordered. I will deliver it next week. Goodbye."

I knew the subject of the painting she had ordered. The customer had asked him to prepare a one-and-a-half-meter artwork in neutral colors.

I have never been very talkative, and I also do not like talkative people. I was reminded of the audio and video store salesman again. I decided to go to him. I was upset with the gallery owner for making Hans find me. Now I was walking towards my past on my own. A history that I am sure will take me back to a strange and dangerous world.