Meet the past (Part1)

Writing about people is even more complicated than talking to them. Writing about Mali, a 16-year-old orphan girl who is afraid of her future life and has no friends, was far more complex than the rest; But with all the difficulty, I wrote about Mali and made the second episode of the 'No Face' podcast with the help of Megan and Dan.

When we uploaded the second episode, I received many comments and e-mails about Mali less than half a day later. Many wrote that they do not mistreat someone like her, and of course, others said that people have the right to be afraid of her and mistreat her. Others wrote that they are in such situations; for example, someone wrote that the LGBT family and the behavior and attitude of the people bother him.

Interestingly, the number of comments comparing this program to 'Ask Aiden' was much lower than in the previous episode, which made me happy.