Lunch Break Part One

“I’m glad you enjoyed your classes so much,” Lexus replied after I went on and on telling him about how much I loved them and everything I learned today. “You were really focused on our piano lesson.”

“Yeah, I was hyper focused…” I mumbled. “It was exciting. I haven’t learned a new instrument for a while.”

He looked concerned. “Hyper focused? Did you take your meds this morning?”

I looked away nervously. “No… I was so excited for the day I forgot to but it’s fine. Hyper focusing isn’t the worst thing.”

“It was hard to get you to want to leave, the lesson went on for another twenty minutes. You must be hungry right?” It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend so it was hard seeing him care so much when he would only be my boss or something like that.

“That’s because time went too fast.” I sighed. “Yeah, I am hungry... I’ve been hungry for a while. I’m supposed to be the one looking after you, it’s my job.”