The Aftermath Part Two

We stayed silent for a while watching the sky. “Is your father still alive?” I broke the silence.

“He is but he moved out of the castle years ago. It was hard on him to be there without my grandfather. Ten years after his death he left.” It was hard for Konn to talk about. “…I was already the royal adviser for a few years before he left. I think I’m making him proud. He knew about you, actually he went with me to drop you off into the human world. He told me I was doing the right thing but if he knew you were the holder, he wouldn’t have felt the same way. He would have firmly believed in the holder being raised here. When he finds out you’re back and that you’re the holder he’ll be disappointed. His father was the last holder so it’s personal for him. He was so sure it was Cade. He didn’t think a hybrid could be the holder.”

“News spreads fast. Isn’t it going to be public knowledge that I’m the holder soon?” I asked.