The Ball Part Two

I stared at Cade waiting for him to answer my question about if he was okay with me replacing him.

Cade scoffed. “Of course, I am Aqua. It was a little hard to hear but I’m fine with it.” I noticed Vella staring at us from a distance, but I didn’t think too much of it.

We walked back to Arma and Stewart. They got drinks and we sat down at a small table. I didn’t want to be drunk during the rejection, so I passed. “Hey.” Calvin said when he sat down at the table.

I introduced him to everyone then we got up to dance. The singer they got was really good. They even had other performances planned for every hour. We had watched one when we were sitting before Calvin showed up. “You look beautiful.”

I smiled. “Thanks, you look handsome.”

When we finished dancing Konn approached us, and I introduced them. Konn introduced me to a few people then they walked off. “You look good Aqua.” He complemented.