Love? Part Two

I found Vella out in the garden sitting on the ground against one of the pillars. “Vella, do you need someone to go home with you?”

Vella stood up. “I’m fine.” She glared at me. “I don’t need you or Cade or Lexus. I don’t need your help or your pity or their attention. Stop acting like you’re a saint Aqua, it’s annoying.” She walked past me and laughed.

I watched her. “What’s so funny?”

She turned to me and shrugged while walking backwards. “Just have fun, I wish I did.” She shifted into her dragon form and flew off.

I walked back into the ball and asked my father to send guards to make sure Vella got home safely. I often though that if me and Lexus weren't mates or if we were, but he didn't fall in love with me that I would have turned out like Vella, broken hearted, spiteful, a mess, and a distant regretful memory of Lexus. Maybe I that's why I had empathy for her.