As Told by Sadia Part Two

Cade had insight on my relationship that I didn't. “He once told me that he assumed you didn’t expect him to be monogamous before marriage. He made it seem like he only hiding it out of courtesy. I still think it’s bullshit Sadia. He would have told you if you asked but he knew you wouldn’t ask. He could have told you himself that he was still seeing other women.”

“Maybe…” It made me think that communication could have saved my engagement. If I knew from the beginning that he’d see other women and would stop once we were married, I probably would have been fine with that. Only because it’s not like we were together before. It’s better I wasn’t with Lexus otherwise I wouldn’t have just had sex with someone who cares about me. “Anyways I had sex with you because…”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to have a reason or need to tell me it if you do.” But I did have a reason that I didn’t mind sharing, I liked Cade, but it felt too soon to be with him.