As Told by Aqua Part One

Aqua’s POV

When Lexus hung up after I called him I didn’t know what to do anymore. I wasn’t sure when I’d see him again since he didn’t know how long we shouldn’t be in contact for.

The next day I was called into the king and queens office with my father and Hannah. “We’ve decided that Hannah is going to take over Lexus’ responsibilities.”

Hannah’s eyes widened in excitement. “Really? I’m going to rule?”

The Queen sighed. “Not exactly but you are back up because we’re not 100% sure about Lexus anymore. You’ll have stricter studies surrounding preparations to possibly become queen. You’ll have Lexus’ workload and Aqua is now you’re aid. We’ll have to think over whether or not we want Lexus to return as heir,” She explained.

The king spoke next, “This means no more sneaking off. If we can’t count on you any more than Lexus there’s no point in you replacing him.”

Hannah nodded. “I understand, I’ll be on my best behavior.”