Her Time Away Part Two

“Thanks Gram.” Being with Gram made me forget about everything that troubled me.

We were hiking and it was nice until Gram teleported us to the wrong trail. “We’re going to have to figure another way down. I don’t have enough energy to teleport again.” We started walking down a trail, but it was a dead end. We were at a cliff with no other way to go. “Any ideas?”

I nodded. “One… sometimes you have to just go for it.”

She scrunched her eyebrows. “Wait what are you-“

I jumped mid-sentence, so I didn’t hear the rest of what she said. I tried shifting into my dragon form as hard I could. I was falling possibly to my death, but I kept trying. I thought of My Dad and my Mom. I thought of when my Dad and brothers would shift. I tried to picture myself shifting then I thought of Arma, Stewart and even Sadia. These were the people I care about from the hidden world. Lastly I thought of Lexus and my love for him even though he broke my heart.